Chapter Twenty: THTOSL

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  The wheels on the bus song >.> *snorts* I'm so pathetic listening to that stuff. But hey, their gonna be on a bus. 'The wheels on the bus go round n' round, round 'n round. The wheels on the bus go round, round. All threw, the town!' Lmao, continue:

~Buses, Awkwardly fine, and hard-ons!~

"Okay class, as you know tommorrow is Veteran Day. To celebrate, were going to West Palm Beach!" Mr. Ean exclaimed. The class burst into cheers, whistles, and clapping. I looked over at John who looked at me as well.

"Bikini's!" John shouted. I rolled my eyes, while almost every other girl in the class giggled. Why does John have to be such a.. such... A guy?

"We'll be staying there for three days, you'll have to get a sheet signed by your parents." I ignored the pain that came and went for a split second and figured out what I was going to do. "Seniors are only going, so, girls pack your bathing suits and boys, get your trunks." Mr. Ean was actually sarcastic, rude, and nothing what a teacher was actually supposed to be like. But he was cool.

 I mean, you handed in your homework, payed attention in class, then you were all good. I was still holding a grudge though, he sent me to the principal, and got added an extra hour with the ass who's flirting with some girl who's two desk down from me. "I like you." Ha, yeah right John, yeah right.


Today was the trip to West Palm Beach, and hell yeah, I was excited. All the seniors were already on the bus, carrying their over night bags. There was countless buses, we had a pretty big school, equaling with lots over seniors. Ashley was taking the window seat, and I was on the outter part.

Not basically, but Ashley was bouncing in her seat. I put a hand on her shoulder and strained to keep her down. I failed,

"Ash! Calm down." I ordered. She looked over at me and grinned,

"I'm sorry, it's just I'm so.. So excited!" She yelled happily, and started bouncing again. The bus started moving and Ashley sqealed.

"You act like you've never been to a beach before." I muttered, slouching down in the leather seat and crossing my arms.

"Oh, I have!" She reassured brightly.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked, her mood weighing mine down. When a person was so overly happy, that it was yours and theirs together, its kind of pointless to do. She soaked up my energy of fun.

"Would you stop being so lame." Ashley demanded. "Okay, have you ever played match maker?" She asked after. I looked at her strangely, but otherwise shook my head no,

"Nah." I added to back up my head shake.

"Well, I'm in the middle of one right now." She sail matter-of-factly.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, playing along.


"And who might these two people be?" I asked suspisiously.

"Oh! Uh, ya k-know, just friends." She stammered. I thought it once before; Ashley is a horrible liar. I almost wanted to laugh at her attempt of doing it. But I managed to stifle it.

"No, seriously Ash." I said, nudging her shoulder with mine. She sighed, and when she saw me raising a eyebrow at her she laughed nervously and sheepishly smiled.

"Who are the people?" I asked, my curiousity burning.

"Uh, you probably won't like the idea..." She trailed. then it clicked, I gaveher a stern look,

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