Chapter Thirty One: THTOSL

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Heey. What's up peeps? The sky, I know, I ask that question too much. ^_^ Okay, I'm on a hectic schedule, but this is what I got! =) Enjoy!

It's a date, Sam, stop freaking out. I scolded myself mentally. It was going to be fine. Tonight will be fine. I just worry too much. I mean, what's the worst thing that can happen? Nothing worse than what I've been through. It's not a big deal- it's a petty thing, really. Then why am I flipping? Gah! I'm not!

I slapped my forehead.

Okay, ow.

But you know what else just made you think 'ouch'? They could be the boots I had on. Between sexy and yikes, I didn't know what reaction I could get. Black, suede, buckle on the side, four inches, and under the knee high. They were freakin' awesome, and I was possesive as hell over them. Believe it or not, they're also comfortable.


Did I want him to like me? The question popped out of nowhere, but I considered it. I did. And I wish I could like him the same way- give him a shot. It was my own foolish pride, that got it the way. I sighed, if only skinny jeans weren't the only pants to fit in a boot. Somehow I'm picturing Toy Story... haven't seen that in forever. "We'll, if the boot fits."

I rolled my eyes; So random.

A forest green shirt, accesories, and and a half up-half down hairstyle later, I was ready. Only I was early. Well, it's offically time to show up first, ever in my dating history. On my way out, I grabbed my keys, and closed the door behind me. Carefully going down the stairs, I stopped at the bottom, and rang Mrs. Embrony's doorbell. It opened moments later, the kind old lady emerging.

"Samantha, pleasant surprise. What can I help you with?" She offered. I shifted my weight, noticing myself how much taller I had become.

"Did this guy ask where I lived a couple weeks ago?" I asked. "Black hair, grey eyes, tall.. Kinda hot." I described.

"Yes. I did, weeks ago... Twice. Or, was it a third time too...? No, there was this other boy, just yesterday. Blonde. He said he was your boyfriend." She informed. I blew out a fustrated breath. Damn you Christian.

"Well, blondie, he's my Ex, actually." I corrected. "And the other, John is his name. Their both kinda.. um--"

"Stalking you?" She finished. I laughed genuinely,

"No, but thats close. If either ask, can you tell them I'm not here?" I asked.

"Favor granted." She smiled, "If you don't mind, can I ask where you're headed to?" She questioned. Unexpectedly, I felt color fill my cheeks.

"A date.. with John." I confirmed.

"Oh, surprise, surprise." She laughed, turning back into apartment door, leaving me confused. "Well, you look lovely darling, enjoy your night." She farewelled, getting a grip on her door.


"G'night!" Then the door closed. Eyebrows furrowed, I opened the main entrance of the building and walked out. The air was warmer, and the concrete was dry, considering it rained again yesterday. But, oh well. Life was full of mysteries, I seriously needed to figure out.

I was amazed myself how I remembered when John and Ashley's house was. Something you should know, I have a terrible memory. Like, really bad. I parked a little down the street, since my Bug was kinda obvious. Baby blue... My biggest prize posession in life, honestly.

So, supposedly were supposed to go 'eat' somwhere. But that can't be it, because a guy always take a girl somwhere else. I mean, simply eating- lame. I smiled to myself as I tucked my two keys in my back pocket. The walk to the mansion was an easy two minutes, and the last time I checked the time in my car, it was like seven. I was suppose to be picked up at seven twenty, but blah.

The Hard Times Of Samantha Laceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें