"We can change that. The theme of this week is love and heartbreak. I'll help you pick a song." He suggested. 

"Doesn't Louis have to pick my song?" I asked him. 

"If you suggest a good enough one, I'm sure he'll allow it. At least then you'll feel like you've done something today." I don't know why Roman was always so nice to me even when I was the biggest bitch on this planet to him. 

I thought for a minute about a good song I could sing. Hundreds came to my head but I just couldn't picture myself singing any one of them on stage in front of thousands. The thought was overwhelming.

"Trying to think of a song to sing in front of thousands is pretty stressful." I could seriously hear the bitch in my own voice and I hated it. The frustrating part was that I wasn't in control of it. Thank you, chemical inbalance. But Roman just brushed it off like it was nothing.

"Well, what type of song do you want to sing is a good place to start. I like to sing to someone when I sing. I hate singing a song with no purpose or no feeling behind it. Pick a song that sends a message to someone, maybe their's an ex you want to sing a heartbreak song to or someone out there you might uh.." He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable, "love."

"I don't want to sing a heartbreak song." I stated. "The past is the past and should stay that way."

"Okay well then I guess you're going with love.. So who do you love?" I sat up and looked at him. It was nearly impossible to see in the darkness.

"Do you honestly want to know?" He looked down for a second and looked back up. 

"No, I don't." His drak eyebrows furrowed.

"Why?" I think I was more intrugue by what he had to say than the other way around. He took a breath. 

"Because if you say that Declan guy.. I may have to go down there right now and punch him." I laughed but stopped once I realized he had been completely serious. 

"You would? Seriously? But what if it's you, wouldn't you like to know?" Now it was his turn to laugh.

"Can't you just tell me that it's ,me over him and not tell me if it's him over me? Why can't you be normal!" He started tickling my stomach making me roll over in laughter. 

"Stop- Sto- STOPPP!!!!" I desperately begged him, practically crying from laughing. 

"Just tell me that it's me over Declan! COME ON DELILAH!" He yelled while continuing his version of torture. 

"No!" I yelled and sat up. The straightest look ever on my face so that he knew I wasn't joking.

"Why?" He looked nervous now. 

"Because it's so complicated." 


"That your boyfriend?" Declan asked. 

"No." I answered, "I'm single."

"Good." Declan smiled and stood, holding out a hand to me, "because so am I." 

I had to bite down on my lip to try to stop from smiling. It didn't work. He laughed and his eyes sparkled. 

"Want to sing?" He smiled cutely and gestered to the piano. Even though it may have been the most awkward question ever, I nodded my head in a yes. "I love my bandmates but I kind of wish I could sing by myself." He told me as we sat down.

"If I was in a band, I think I would feel the same way. Actually I just can't picture myself being in a band." The thought frightened me a bit. That would be a disaster. He laughed and placed his fingers on the white and black keys. 

Hey There Delilah (Sequel to Not The Same)Where stories live. Discover now