Just as I had it in my hand, I heard how someone was trying to get in and my breathing became louder as the fear inside of me grew.

I stand up as I hold the bat firmly in my hand.

What if he has a gun?

How can I protect myself with a bat if he has a gun? !

The noises became louder as I step back and thought that I should probably call the police.

But will they even be here in time?

What if he kills me now?

I don't have any time to wait on them!

"Okay, Paige, you can do this."

I speak to myself and I think that I am becoming even more crazy than before.

"Paige! Open the door!"

I furrow my brow as I know that voice, I only see the silhouette of the person outside on my balcony.

I slowly make my way up to the balcony with the bat still in my hand for just in case as I open the curtains.

"Harry? What are you- You scared me!"

I scold at him as he was now stood in front of me and the only thing that is keeping us apart is the glass door between us.

"I'm sorry," He apologizes as he looks at me guiltily and I was upset that he was here after I told him to leave me alone. But a part of me was also relieved that he was here as well and I don't know why. "Can we talk, please?" His eyes then falls onto the bat in my hand. "Without that."

I look down at the bat as I think on his words.

"No, go home, Harry."

I was too upset to speak to him and I needed time to cool down before I am ready to hear another word from him.

"Paige, please-"

I roll my eyes at his plea before shutting the curtains closed and putting the bat away.

"You're going to have to stay out there all night because I'm not going to let you in."

I was relieved that it wasn't a burglar or even the attacker trying to get into my house - but it is an intruder that I really don't want here right now.

"If that's what it takes, then I will sleep out here if I must."

He speaks up as I make my way towards my bed.

"Suit yourself."

If he wants to stay out in the cold then so be it. I didn't tell him to come around. I told him specifically that we need time apart from each other. But I should have known that Harry would never listen.

When does he ever?

I was still upset at his words that he had said to me tonight and I just couldn't get it out of mind. Not when it's still as fresh as it is.

"Isn't she lovely?..."

I furrow my brow at hearing Harry outside.

Wait, is he singing?

"Isn't she wonderful?..."

Oh my gosh, he's singing.

And he sounds really good.


It doesn't matter how adorable he sounds, I'm still livid at him and I couldn't care any less if he was singing for me or not.

Aflame - (Heated's Sequel) - [A Harry Styles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now