Chapter 57: Nightmares

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I was on the hard mat. The ground was unreasonably cold. I wondered about how I got here. Last thing I knew I was snuggled up to Brock. I felt something looming over me and I turned, crawling to the corner. It grabbed my leg and pulled. I kicked out with both feet. The grasp let go and I turned, crawling frantically. My partners were family. Mia stood on the left side, her hand extended just like the rest of them. Her black hair was flung out behind her. Her dark eyes sparkled sadly. Suddenly she flickered from her teenage self to when I had first met her. I lunged for her hand. She jumped off the apron into the darkness behind her. Tear welled a little in my eyes. I turned to the next person. Vera smiled sadly down at me, her blonde hair pulled forward over her shoulder. I looked back to see the dark shape, I couldn't make out who it was. I turned back to hit her hand and she had gone down the same way Mia had. She shook her head sadly and backed away.

Next to her was Yuuki, with her signature bun. I held my hand out to her, hoping she would help. She made the same move as the others and faded into the back ground. I watched as one by one my sisters abandoned me. A sob escaped me. Suddenly my hair was grabbed and I was yanked backwards. I groaned and the tears went harder. I looked at who pulled me.

The thing that stood over me was not human. A black cloth floated over me, the hand that held my hair was made of the same material. It was split right down the middle and I could see right through it to the other side. A spine and lungs hung down from the conjecture of the cloth. A skull looked at me from his hooded domain. He opened his mouth in a cruel laugh.

'Look what you have done,' he hissed. 'You can't save anyone!'

Whispers of 'worthless', 'failure', and 'useless' hissed out from the darkness. I sobbed harder. Mia and Vera appeared next to him, one on each side.

'Their deaths were your fault,' it hissed.

'How could you?' Mia sobbed. 'I trusted you!'

'You should have known!' Vera screamed. 'Why didn't you save me?'

"No!" I yelled. "Stop!"

'You think you can protect them! You are nothing! Nothing!" They chorused. 'Nothing!'

The final scream escaped them and I shot up. The ring disappearing from around me. My cheek were stained with tears and I sobbed. I felt someone move next to me. Brock sat up, startled. He looked at me, his brow furrowing in confusion. I leapt towards him, my hands digging into his shirt. He rubbed my head.

"Shhhh. Get it out baby. Get it out."

"It's my fault." I yelled then lowered my voice to a whisper. "It's my fault. I should have helped them! Why didn't I save them?!"

"Who baby? Who?"

"Mia. Vera. I could have done something. I-I could have gone to the police earlier then I did. I-I could have seen the symptoms flaring up and told her to go to the hospital. I-"

"Stop." He said, his voice soft but finale. "You couldn't have done anything. Fate wanted it to be like this, just like fate wanted you with me. It was their time. There is nothing you could have done."

"I didn't save them."

"They don't blame you." He was right.

"Don't leave me."


"I'm scared." I whispered into his chest.

"It's okay. It's okay. Just let it all out."

I told him everything that happened in my dream. He listened attentively. His hand rubbed into my back. God that felt good. He laid us back down.

"You know they would never do that to you," He whispered. "Right?"

"Y-You are right," I whispered back. "Thank you." He just smiled back at me and pressed a kiss to my temples. 

Japanese light (Brock Lesnar x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora