Chapter 7: Dolphin Noises

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I woke the next day to someone banging on my door. I groaned before rolling over. The knocking continued. I peeled open one eye staring at the clock. It read 6 am. I groaned louder. The knocking became louder.

"What?" I whined.

"Come on girly," Roman said. "We gotta go soon. I want you to meet my family before we go to the next town."

I got up and opened the door. He came in. For some reason it reminded me of when Brock had stayed the night. It put a scowl on my face that I tried to hide. Somehow he noticed. He was facing the other way!

"What's wrong?"

"Hm. Nothing."

"Come on Senyaa. I may not have known you as long as Dean but I have known you long enough to tell when you're upset."

"Rather not talk about it with a guy."

"Why not?"

"Emotions and stuff. I always thought guys didn't do those."

"Sit. Tell me." I sat.

"Fine. It's um...Brock Lesnar."

"What about him?"

"I've been running into him a lot since the first time."

"I know that. People see you guys together and they tell Dean."

"Well. After the stuff at the restaurant I ran into him again and he drove me home. I may have over stepped some boundaries cause I asked him to stay with me. He did but after that he started acting all awkward and stuff. When I asked him about he yelled. He yelled at me and I can't figure out what happened."

"Did you wear this that night?"

"Well, yeah."

"Ever thought maybe it was that." He motioned to my bare shoulder. "You're not a bad looking woman and he may have noticed that. Most guys do. Dolph Ziggler even made the mistake of calling you hot in front of Dean. He's known for not being in relationships long. Anyway, he just got divorced and everything so maybe it was just too much."

"That actually makes tons of sense. Thanks Rome." I leaned over and hugged him. "Now turn so I can change." He did. I grabbed a tank top and skinny jeans.

"I've been meaning to ask. What's with the tattoo on your back?"

"Oh. That. There was an older girl in the home who loved poetry. She would always take credit for whatever bad things we had done so we didn't have to get hurt. She was killed by one of the customers. That's what started the investigation into her."

The tattoo in question was a pride of mine. Grey flowers surrounded a black wooden looking cross with the only splash of color being her favorite pink necklace hanging down. That part was only on the lower left side of my back. The flowers framing up the left side and the bottom. A poem was scrolled elegantly down my back. It was "If I should die" by Emily Dickenson. I pulled the shirt on and let Rome know he could turn around. He helped me collect my things. At one point a devious plan came to my mind and the dolphin noises slipped out, startling him into dropping stuff. I broke out laughing. He chased me out of the room, both of us holding one of my bags. Rome sat in the front with me while Dean sat in the back. I fiddled with the aux before putting on my playlist. The car shook with bass as I turned it up a little. We were only about five hours from Pensacola. He drove slightly fast for about the first hour before turning the music down.

"Hey Dean? You awake?"


"Lesnar spent the night with Senyaa." He said quickly. Dean bolted up in the back seat and I froze.

"What?!" We both yelled. Our reasons different.

"He did what?" Dean said.

"You traitor!" I screeched. Rome smiled, he was obviously trying to hide it but it wasn't working. I made the dolphin noises to cut off Dean. I did this twice before he cupped his hands over my mouth to silence me.

"What did he do?" Dean hissed. "You are supposed to be the innocent friend. The one who makes sure the dude is right for you before getting' busy bumpin' uglies."

I gasped and bit his hand before twisting around in my seat. "I soooooooo did not bump uglies! He just stayed to make sure I was okay and ended up falling asleep. More than you did! You wouldn't even let me use your phone. Which reminds me! You are a retard."

"How am I a retard? I don't spend the night with a beast."

"I asked for your phone cause I didn't have mine but you guys let me go on the thought that I was gonna call a cab!"

"Oh. Wow. Now I really feel stupid."

The rest of the trip was easy going. I jammed out to my songs, singing the words at the top of my lungs. Whenever Dean would fall asleep I would lean back and make my dolphin noises in his ear. We arrived to Roman's home and his beautiful wife and kid. Then the bomb was dropped that Dean and I would have to share the guest room. We were gonna stay until tomorrow night. Tomorrow Dean, Rome, and I were gonna go to the beach with Ziggler, the twins, and Trinity. Fun. Dean went up first and Rome threw an arm over my shoulder.

"Wow. Going from nights with the beast to nights with a lunatic."

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