Chapter 22: Why?

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AN: This chapter is short but important. Sorry about the length.


I thought about it all night and into the next day before I made a decision. I already knew which room he was in. I was going to do something crazy. I was going to get answers. I told the girls some half-baked reason to get them to stay in the room and went to his room. I was angry at this point. After I had gotten over the shock and confusion I had gotten very angry. Very. It wasn't something I had done a lot before him but I was going to use that against him. I knocked on his door.

"It's open." I walked in to see he was alone. Thank God but even better he was sitting on his bed when I stormed in, slamming the door behind me. He looked up his face filled with surprise. "W-What are you doing he-"

I pressed my lips to his. It caught him by surprise but he recovered almost as quickly. He began kissing back and placed his hands on my hips. The kiss was filled with my anger and passion. I lowered myself onto his lap and placed my hands on his face, caressing his face. He put just as much passion into the kiss as I did. Soon our tongues were intertwining. I was the one who broke it. Jerking away to stand angrily over him.

"W-What did you?"

"I kissed you." I frowned at him. He wiped a hand over his mouth, his breathing still a little heavy. "Now you are going to tell me why you are doing this! I deserve to know why you are torturing me and don't give me that whole not really liking me or whatever the hell you usually say." He sat there silently. "Now Brock!"

"I-I don't know okay?! I don't know."

"You don't even know why you are doing this to me?! Just tell me. Please. It hurts." His eyes widened a little. "It hurts to think that I really like you but you do nothing but torture me."

"You like me?"

"Yes idiot! I like you. I really like you but just sit there and hurt me. Is it fun to make me cry? Is it fun to make a girl fall for you then rip her heart out?"

"No. I-"

"You have a funny way of showing it! It just seems like fun to you. I hate it. B-But I can't...I can't hate you. Please."

"I don't know why I do it. I don't mean to do it. I-I mean I like you but I have been divorced for less than three weeks and she...she-"

"Cheated. I know. I would never. I get that it hurts, my one ex cheated on me. I get it. Not everyone does that!" I hurried forward and pressed my lips to his again. "If you would have just said that I would have left you alone until you were ready."



"Don't leave me alone. I didn't leave you alone that night and every night after that that I thought about what I had done to you I regretted it."

I smiled and kissed him once again. "Thank you for telling me. Can you not torture me though?"

He flipped me over so I was under him on the bed. "I won't. I promise."

I snuck out from under him and turned to leave. "Good." I strode out of the room with a smile.

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