Chapter two: Debut

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AN: Playlist referred to in this chapter: 


I sat in a locker room in my wrestling clothes and headphones. I shifted my long black hair with a single white streak all the way down and no bangs over my shoulder. The black headphones blasted bass filled pleasantries. I stretched my legs before feeling a touch on my shoulder. I turned to see two brunette twins. The Bella twins smiled at me sweetly. My dark brown eyes met theirs. I paused the music and pulled the headphones down.

"Hi," One said. I have never really paid attention to their matches, preferring to watch the guys. "I'm Nikki."

"And I'm Brie," the other said.

"Senyaa with two a's." I smiled back.

"Today's your debut right?" Nikki said.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"Do you need anything right now?" Brie asked.

"No, thank you though. Dean's got me all settled. Speaking of which I should go find him. Wish him luck and everything."

"Oh. Okay." They both said before moving on. I pushed my headphones back up, once again blasting my favorite playlist.

Just like last week I was wondering the halls wondering where he was. He wasn't in catering this time around. I bit my cheek. Where oh where did my dear Deany go? I probably should have been paying more attention than I was. I realized this a little too late as I ran into the same muscle mass as I had on Smackdown. I looked up to see him hovering over me again. My headphones had slipped down and Whatever you like by TI blasted out.

"S-Sorry," I said.

"Running into people once again Rookie." My eye twitched a little at his words.

"I'm not exactly a newbie. I might be new to this company but totally not new to wrestling."

He let out a short laugh. "Whatever you say. I never caught your name. I'm Bro-"

"Brock Lesnar. Yeah I know. I'm Senyaa with two a's" I said holding up a two in my usual sassy way. One of his eyebrows cocked before going back down.

"No last name. Strange."

"I do have a last name."

"Do I have to guess it or are you gonna tell me?"

"Hope you're a great guesser." I brushed past him and made my way down the hall before being interrupted by a worker. She informed me my match was about to start and showed me my way to where I needed to be. Natalie Kills' Problem sounded and I walked out onto the stage smiling and bouncing slightly. I handed my headphones off to a worker as I entered the ring. The lady introduced my opponent: Sasha Banks. This was gonna be fun. She never was a fan of mine. We were in NXT together and she constantly harassed me about my heritage when we were in the ring. She made her way down to the ring and smiled at me waving a little. I rolled my eyes and resisted decking her as she made her way into the ring.

The bell rung and it was a flurry of hair and action. We traded punches for a while before she threw me against the ropes. I bounced off spearing her before flipping my hair back with my hand and licking my lips, my tongue running over the cold metal of my black lip ring. She kicked me off her and ran me into the turnbuckles. I hit hard and she pulled me back preparing for her submission move. I dodged out before super kicking her in the mouth. I preceded to the top rope and jumped off, nailing her in the face with a knee. I pinned her but she kicked out at two. I growled frustrated and prepared her for my submission. I pulled her legs over mine in an inverted figure four lock before bridging over her back and locking my fingers under her chin. I lifted up pulling her head off the ring floor two inches. The submission stretches the back and legs. Besides it made me look kinda possessed. She beat the mat hard. My first win on my first day on Raw.

I skipped to the back celebrating my victory. Arms wrapped around me from behind and spun me. When they set me down I turned to see the smiling face of Mox. Rome stood beside him. He rubbed my head, mussing my hair.

"Good job girly," Rome said.

"Thanks," I said, giving him a side hug.

"You looked so possessed when you did your submit," Dean said. "You shoulda heard the commentators. They were kinda creeped out by it but also thought it was cool. They sucked at explaining it though."

I laughed. "Figures. Hey. Imma go get dressed and such. BRB." I said as I pushed past them. I was about to go in when I heard my name called. Brock Lesnar stood there, looking at me.

"Good job Senyaa with two a's." I raised an eyebrow at his statement.


"Nice submission too. Oh yeah. Hunter and Stephanie wanna see you."

Japanese light (Brock Lesnar x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum