Chapter 54: Tons O' Matches

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AN: Book 2 staring Brittany is starting up. It's a side by side story line so a lot of it will be the same but from a different point of view. Link:


We dropped our bag and the others from the night before walked in. I scanned my sisters. Yesterday after my time training with Adam Bridle we switched who we were working with. They wanted us to be proficient enough in everything. What takes most people months to learn they want us to learn in a week. We could do it to. I believe in us.

"What we doin' today coach?" Yuuki said with a laugh.

"Matches," John said.

"Lots of mathes," Rey said. "We want you to face people like you and unlike you. Half of today will be spent on Senyaa and the last half will be Yuuki. Tomorrow it will be Brittany and Tsubaki."

I raised my hand. "Random question! Do you guys know of a good tattoo shop near here?"

"Yes," Rey pointed at me. "I will tell you where later."

"Yes sir." I saluted.

He smiled and shook his head. "First up is Sexy Star."

I walked into the ring at the same time the beautiful masked woman named Ducle Rivas. She smiled at me and I returned it. We shook hands and Rey pulled a ref's shirt on. He let us begin. She stood back, bouncing on the balls of her feet. I watched her. She had taught me a few things yesterday so I knew what to expect: tons of punches and kicks.

She charged at me and we locked up. I tossed her over my hip. She got up and ran towards me, getting a double legged takedown. I twisted my legs around one of hers pulling her down into a small package count. She kicked out and I went to the top rope, going for a tornado DDT. I hit it and she flailed a little on the floor and held her head. I went to the top rope and I hit a flying drop kick before flipping up and hitting a ground moon-sault. I went for the pin and got the win. The wrestlers around me clapped.

"Well done ma'am," Rey said. I nodded, slightly winded. "Next we want you against Prince Puma."

I had gotten a chance against him also. I wasn't as strong as Brittany so I needed speed on my side. He was fast. I need to be faster. He got in the ring with a smile. We greeted and the match started, John as the ref this time around.

He charged for me and I dodged under his clothes line. We sprung back, running again, and I flipped over his back. We went back and forth like this for a few seconds before I hit another flip and ran instead to the turn buckle. He froze and watched as I ran along the top rope and hit a back flip, him falling to the floor under me. Angelico and some of the others were yelling from the side in surprise while my sisters just smirked. I stood and hit another moon-sault on his gut. He constricted around me. I went for the pin and he pushed me off, flipping to his feet at the same time I did. He went for a tornado DDT but I dodged, his body flying over me. He turned towards me and I hit a super kick. He went down, sitting and I hit a shining wizard. I positioned him before going to the top rope and hitting a spring board moon-sault. I was able to get the pin.

Wow. Okay. This was a lot of work. "Now for Ryck." John said. He was strength so I needed to watch out for that. I would need to think like Tsubaki for this one. She was always cool headed and always on point. She calculated what she wanted to do before doing it.

The match started and instead of running out there like I usually did, I gripped the ropes leaning forward and watching. I licked my lips and he charged forward. I ducked under, jump kicking the back of his head. He feel forward and I kicked the back of his knee. Tsubaki nodded her approval from the corner. I continued working on the knee. He pushed off the ring, sending me backwards. I rolled and stayed low watching. He charged forward again. I didn't dodge fast enough and he grabbed my midsection as I ran by and slammed me down. I winced but considered the other pains I have had in my life. This was nothing. I closed my eyes for a second, gathering my focus. I needed to be serious for this. My face went blank and I noticed everything. The way his muscles moved. The way my sisters tensed next to the ring. The way the air changed. He seemed to notice it as well and his eyes widened a little bit. I let out a slow breath and rose to my feet. Confused by the sudden change he ran forward recklessly. I slid under his legs and clotheslined the legs. He went down.

"Curb stomps allowed?" I asked.

"Go for it."

I didn't. I wanted it to be a surprise. Tsubaki nodded again with a small smile. Ryck looked at me. He swung but I saw it coming and ducked low. I sprung up and hit a spin kick to his chin. He went down a little and shook his head. I jumped to the top rope and hit a springboard DDT. He groaned as he fell. He started to get up but I was there. I sprung off the ropes and hit the curb stomp. Ryck groaned and rolled over. Instead of getting the pin, I slid, kicking him in the side. He rolled back over and I went for the AMP. I got it locked in and pulled up, hard. Not like I did with the girls. Not even like I did with guys. I modified it, pulling his arms and winding them around my own arms. John slid in front of him.

"Do you tap?"

Big Ryck's hands slapped against my chest. Brock would have killed him for putting his hands there but it was a match. Oh well. I released and fell forward a little. I moved and sat in a corner. My sisters slid into the ring and pressed a drink to my lips. Ryck watched me then smiled.

"Damn," he said. "This little girl is tough."

"I need this," I stated simply. "I need this."

I was breathing hard. "We haven't seen you that focused since you got in a fight with those high school boys." Brittany smiled and pulled my hair out of my face.

"She got in a fight with high school boys?" Ducle asked.

"Yeah," Yuuki said. "She was a first year and we were hanging out. These guys jumped us and she demolished them without us having to get involved."

"Wow." Adam said.

"We will give her a break then you are next Adam."

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