Chapter 50: Breaking news

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AN: I made the mistake of writing this chapter while listening to sad music. Do not do that!


I saw in a room surrounded by the Syndicate (minus my sisters) and the Authority along with the head of the creative team. I had called this meeting. No one but Brock knew about Vera yet and this would be the big reveal. I gulped and felt Brock's hand tighten on my leg.

"I know I have had way too many days off and I knew the Syndicate has been getting a lot of hype lately but something has come up."

Hunter frowned. "The story must go on. We need it too."

"I-I understand but," tears gathered in my eyes as they had time and time again that day. "My sisters need me. Vera passed yesterday."

All eyes snapped to me. "What?" Dean asked.

"H-Her disease got the better of her. She passed yesterday night." I swallowed again and fought the tears. Brock squeezed again and Rome placed a hand on my shoulder, Dean's going on the other. Jamie spoke.

"I have to say," Jamie said. "I misjudged you. I-I thought you were like some of the other divas. They aren't the nicest or most loyal at times but...I-I'm just sorry for what I have done."

"It' okay Jamie," I said with a small smile. His face was filled with remorse. "I want the fans to know what happened. At the end of Smackdown tonight I want to address them, about both this and my sisters and I going to NXT."

Brock shot me a look. He didn't know about it. "Do as you please," Stephanie said. "We are behind you completely."

I nodded my thanks. I spent the rest of Smackdown hiding from the world in Brock's room. Whenever anyone went to talk to me Brock told them to just listen at the end of the show. It confused people but whatever. My match against Nikki Bella was cancelled. I watched as Roman, Dean, and Brock completely decimated New Day. It was the match before the main event of Randy Orton and Cesaro vs John Cena and Kevin Owens. It was supposed to renew John's rivalry with Kevin. I smiled as Brock, Dean, and Rome burst into the locker room. Instantly Brock had pulled me into his lap with my head on his shoulder.

I looked at him. "Do you guys know any good tattoo artists nearby?"

Rome looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. "What for?"

"It's tradition to do a tat for those you lose," I said. "I also need to update my doves."

Silence. We watched as the odd tag team started up. It defiantly renewed the rivalry. Their match was kind of rushed, making time for my announcement. We walked to the gorilla and then to the ring. 'Syndicate' chants started up.

"Hey universe," I said softly. "I have some news for you guys. Good and bad. I'm gonna start with the good because I don't think I can handle the bad yet." My chest hurt and my eyes stung. I wiped at them. "So my sisters will be joining the WWE roster." Cheers started up. "I will be moving over to NXT for a little bit to fight alongside them. Originally it was set to start next week but...something came up. When I was fourteen I lost a sister. Her name was Mia and she was...the greatest big sister ever. She would protect us and take blame for anything we did so we wouldn't get hurt. Sadly she was killed one night, on her sixteenth birthday to be exact. It hit my sisters and I hard. Our bonds were tested. W-We almost didn't make it. I-" I took a breath. A bombshell was about to be dropped. "-I tried to take my life. Because of my sisters I failed." The crowd had gone silent. "I hope you remember my sister Vera from last week." I blinked. Tears coming. "She was struggling with Coronary Artery Disease for years now. Yesterday she-" A sob escaped me and Brock pulled me to his side. "-she was beaten in battle by the disease. S-She died. Her disease was one of the factors that held me back all that time ago. Now she has been ripped from my grasp." I pushed the mic into Rome's hands. "I-I'm sorry. I thought I could." Brock pulled me into him.

"As you can see Vera's death has hit her hard." Rome said. "I hope you all can understand why she has to leave."

"Don't cry Senyaa! Don't cry Senyaa!" The chants rose from the crowd. It made the tears worse. SO much support. The locker room emptied out as they walked to the ring. Their hands pressed to me to support. My knees gave way and I slid down, Brock with me. I love this company. I love my sisters. I love Senyaa. What would be ripped from me next?

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