Chapter 10: News from Japan

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I walked down to the ring. Tamina stood there already waiting for me to enter. I walked in, letting her know that I was in a horrible mood but am honored to meet her. I had been in the worst of moods since that morning. After my chat with a certain person who will remain unnamed I had spent the rest of my time in my room, hiding from the world. I hadn't talked at all on the ride here and I hoped I didn't run into Dolph. I would lose it and that wasn't fair. It wasn't his fault. I shook hands with her.

"You go Senyaa," chants started up. I kneed her hard. It was nice to let my anger out. She went to kick me and I dodged. Her leg flew over me and I pushed her forward. She stumbled and I jumped using one of Rollins moves to kick her in the head. She fell forward and I hit the AMP in the middle. She tapped and I let go. My third victory and I couldn't even enjoy it. I walked to the back and hid out in Rollins' room.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" He said once J&J security left. "You don't have to if you don't want to..."

"Let's say hypothetically," I started. "A girl runs into an intimidating guy over and over again. They get kinda used to running into each other and she figures out he's not so bad. Like he's so nice he spends the night with her when she's too drunk to do anything. Next thing she knows he's being awkward and ignoring her. She asks him why and he blows the question off. She confronts him again later and he says he never liked her in any sorta way and that he was being nice but now he didn't have to."

"Oh wow. That really sucks. You and Lesnar hit a bump."

"L-Lesnar? What are you talking about?"

"You and Lesnar. We could tell at least one of you really liked the other."

"Hypothetical Rollins! Hypothetical!"

"Are we interrupting something?" Stephanie said as she walked in with Triple H. "Senyaa we just got a call from New Japan Pro Wrestling. You have to go to Japan to be put in their hall of fame. We're sending Dean, Lesnar, and Rome with you. Dean has already grabbed your stuff. You gotta go like right now."

"Oh my god! Um. Okay!"

"Good luck." Seth said as soon as they left. "With more than just the hall of fame."

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