Chapter 48: Authority and the Syndicate

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I stood in the ring with a grimace on my face, alone. The Authority has been running their mouths. Saying that my team and I aren't anything. That we will fall just like the shield did. I knew what I had to say was gonna piss of Dean and Rome but it was going to happen anyway. They hated it when I brought up the past. Oh well. They will live.

"You know," I spoke. "I've heard what the Authority has been saying about us. I wonder what we have to do to prove it to them. We destroyed them last week. Then again the Shield was dominate for over a year before they fell apart. People keep speculating about how long we will stay together. You don't realize something. I am the link between these bonds. I am Dean and Rome's sister. Unlike their old family I don't just talk about family. I breathe, speak, and think family. They know nothing about my family and I." I smirked. "Allow me to introduce you to the whole clan."

Dean's solo music played. "Here we have Dean Ambrose. The Lunatic Fringe. Whatever you want to call him. He has dominated in the ring against anyone he can fight. Dean and I go way back." Rome's music played as Dean slid into the ring. "Roman Reigns. I may not have known him as long as I have Dean but like with the Uso's, his blood is Roman's blood. I am Dean's blood. Therefore I am his." Brock's music hit. "Brock Lesnar. People say this group isn't going to work because of him. The odd one out. Yeah right. As long as I trust Brock so will they."

The authority's music hit. "Wow." Seth said. "What a cute little family? How adorable."

"Oh you think this is it? Wrong Sethy-kun." I tilted my head to the side and stuck out my tongue. Three women jumped over the barricades. They rolled into the ring. "Making their WWE debut right now is the rest of the Akiyama clan. Vera." She slung her arm around me. "Yuuki." She jumped up and down in her spot. "Brittany." She blew Seth a kiss. "This is my clan. My Syndicate." I had cleared it with, first my sisters, then with the creative team. It would come as a surprise to everyone but Steph, Hunter, myself, and my sisters. WWE had added a disclaimer before the promo even started, Michael Cole grabbing a mic and talking about abuse and how the stories they would hear tonight were real. He warned them that if they didn't want to hear it to turn the channel or cover their ears.

"Ha. Like numbers will do you any good when we have a true family."

The Wyatt's music and cut scene came on and there they were. It was time for me to drop the bombshell. I was going to let everyone know what had happened back then, even if it cost me everything. I owed it to my fans.

"A really family? Ha." I exited the ring with my sisters, the boys walking up to the ropes. They were confused but hid it well. "Let me tell you about real family. Our bond runs thicker then blood. Eric left you. My sisters would never leave me. We each came from our own problems. Vera's parents used to shoot her up on drugs. Yuuki was beaten within an inch of her life every day. Brittany went weeks and months with no food or water in a basement. I was sexually abused on a regular basis. Instead of withering and dying, even when our foster mother sold us to the highest bidder and our sister was murdered by her hand, we stayed together. Nothing you do will break us. We will remain even when the weather wears us down. Believe that!"

I scanned the faces of the authority. Steph had her hand over her mouth. She shook her head lightly. Kane, J&J, and Hunter all wore solemn expressions. Seth stood with his mouth hanging slightly open. His warm brown eyes were torn in emotional pain. The Wyatt's were what really surprised me. Bray had fallen to his knees along with the new guy and Luke. He brought a mic to his lips.

"Your clan would destroy ours. Your bond is pure and impenetrable. We will bow to the Akiyama clan." The words surprised me more than anything. I looked over my shoulder. They all had frozen. Dean rubbed a hand over his face. Roman just looked at me with a sad expression. Brock slid out from the ring and took the mic from my now shaking hands.

He brought the mic up. "She is right. Bray is right. There is no breaking this clan. Bow down authority to the Akiyama clan."

My sisters walked to the back. We were instantly surrounded by wrestlers. One question rose above the rest. Sasha Banks was the one to ask it.

"Was that true?"

"Every word," I said.

"Do not pity us though," Vera said, her hand ran through my hair, pulling it to the side.

"We are stronger now," Yuuki added.

"And we are eternal," Brittany finished.

We made our way to Brock's locker room. The boys joined us after their match with Seth and J&J. Hunter had done a promo seconds later about how the past is the past and the future is now. How my past would not affect the Authority's pursuit of us. Steph knocked before coming in, Seth and Hunter with them.

"I-I didn't know," Steph said. "I had no clue you have been through so much. All of you."

"It's fine Steph," I said with a smile. "Hunter is right. The past is the past and the future is now. I...I just had to let my fans know. If they still want to follow me good...if not..." I shrugged.

"Actually the WWE Twitter we set up for you just spiked from 2,000 people to 4.5 million." Hunter said. Steph glared. "What? She was the one who wanted to do that."

"He's right you know," I said with a smile.

She smiled back and gave me a hug. It was kind of weird. They left and suddenly the door was flung open and in ran Sasha Banks. She looked at me. Her makeup was smeared and she looked horrible. Instantly I was filled with concern, something most people would feel for their worst enemy.

"I am so sorry," She said. She wrapped her arms around me. "I didn't know." I slid to the ground with her. "I didn't know."

"It's okay," I cooed. "It's okay. I know you didn't know. That's the past okay. Now you know."

"Still what I said was horrible." I placed my forehead to hers.

"It's okay sweetie," I said. My sisters put their hands on her shoulder and head, comforting her the way they have me and each other time and time again.

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