Chapter 32: A place to call my own

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AN: Le dress:


I didn't remember when I asked Himuro to do it for me but he came through. I needed a place in the states to live in. He had found some condo's in Florida that I could live in. Apparently he had a cousin down there that owned them. Now I stood in an amazing ready to move in condo with four bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms. It came with a fully stocked kitchen and furniture. I was just renting it for the time being but it was really blowing me away. There was room for Brock, my dogs, and I. Best part was that they let my dogs live there. It was hard to find and I loved it. The room was on a corner facing the sound in Destin, Florida. It was about an hour from Rome and Trinity. Another great things. There was a wraparound balcony and a circular stairway led to a fenced off roof area.

"Well, Ms. Senyya," Himuro's cousin said. I had instantly forgotten his name and didn't feel like asking. "The paperwork is done. The place is yours for the next two years."

I smiled and nodded to him as Brock walked through the doors with luggage. "That's the last of it babe." He whispered in my ear.

"You really didn't have to," I said. "I could have gotten it."

"I wouldn't make you do that," he said wrapping his arms around me and shifting from foot to foot.

The owner cleared his throat. "I'm going to go file this."

I pulled away from Brock and walked him out the door. "Thank you for all your help." He nodded and walked away. I closed the door and squealed.

Brock let out a laugh. "You seem excited about something."

"I just rented this giant condo and now I have a way to tease you."

"Oh really?"

"After all there is a pool and hot tub. Bathing suit action." I laughed and dodged to the side as he tried to grab me. Eventually he caught me, holding one hand to his heart with the other arm pulling me close.

"Just being in the same room as you is a tease." A blush spread across my cheeks and he smirked. "You don't need small outfits to get this heart pounding. They just help my imagination." The blush deepened. "God. That blush of yours is so hot."

He went to press his lips onto mine and someone knocked at our door, making him groan. "Wow your luck sucks."

"It must not be that bad since I have you."

I smiled and pulled away to stop the annoying knocking. I opened the door to a delivery man. "Hello."

"I'm looking for Senyaa Akiyama," He said.

"That's me."

He handed me a set of keys. "Curtsey of Taiga Kagami with the message of 'Take care of her!'"

"Thank you!" I closed the door. "Oh my God! Taiga is so awesome!"

"Whatcha mean?"

"Come look!" I took off down stairs with him walking behind me. The beast was beautiful.

"Wow." He said. "What model is this?"

"Taiga, Himuro, and I built it in high school. It's a 1967 mustang with a basic 302 engine, a Toploader four-speed, and suspension custom-fabbed by Taiga's dad. He builds cars as a hobby."

"You guys built this?"

"Yeah." I ran my hand over the hood. It was black with a red stripe through the middle.

"John Cena would drool over this thing."

"We are in Pensacola this Thursday right? I should take it. Test that theory."

"This car is sexy. I bet you look hella sexy in it."

"Let's just hope people around here know not to touch my baby. Her name is Akumu."


"It means nightmare in Japanese. Tomorrow we'll drive it to the stadium."

"For sure." He said.

"Come on." I said. "It's hot out here and I have a dress I want to wear and want your opinion on." He cocked an eyebrow but followed me anyway.

I walked into the room I had claimed. There was plenty of closet space along with a king size bed. I began unpacking, Brock letting me do that while he laid in bed watching my every move. I pulled out the dress, careful to hide my favorite part, the back, from him. I walked into the bathroom and slipped out of my clothes before putting it on. The front was pretty bland. The dress was pure black. There was a keyhole and it didn't have sleeves with a t-shirt like neck line. It snapped together, flawlessly, behind my neck. The back was mostly open. Two parallel lines of lace worked their way up my back. I walked out. The skirt was pretty short and my legs were the first thing he noticed.

"I know the front is pretty bland but get a load of the back." I turned while moving my hair out of the way. I looked over my shoulder as his eyes started at the top of the lace and moved down my back to my bottom.

"You just have to make everything look amazing don't you?" He rose and turned me. "You are trying to get someone killed aren't you?"

"No." I whispered my eyes travelling to his lips. He leaned down and kissed me. Suddenly the dress wasn't as amazing as I thought. His kiss was. I broke to change into my regular clothes. Thank God I finally got my own place in the States.

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