Chapter 12: Missed you guys

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AN: My plans got pushed back to Monday so I'm gonna try to get as much up as I can.


I burst through the door to my 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 story tradition Japanese style house. I was meet with hard floors and barking dogs. Bamboo, my 8 year old tan pit, barked from beside the couch, her front paws coming off the floor a little. Her excitement was nothing compared to Gage. My 1 year old black lab-pit mix. He was jumping nearly three feet off the floor to lick me. He was small, only coming up to about mid-calf. Slim too. I could see his ribs. Not that he didn't eat. He always did. They scrambled past me when Dean and Rome came in. New people after all.

"Ah!" Taiga screamed. He wasn't a fan of dogs. Daiki put herself between the Taiga and the dogs but they didn't notice. They were too busy jumping on Dean and Rome. I whistled loudly.

"Rooms! Now!" I yelled over the chaos. They took off upstairs.

"Your dogs have rooms?" Rome asked. "Seriously?"

"They share a room. This a 5 bedroom house. One for me, one for them, three for guests." I explained. I heard footsteps from the back of the house and turned just in time to be tackled by Riko and Satsuki. I fell to the floor my face buried in Satsuki's voluminous bust. All I could see was pink and brown hair. Yes pink. Many of the Generation had odd hair colors. Daiki was dark blue, almost black. Taiga had a dark red dome. "Can't breathe. Satsuki!" I began yelling in Japanese.

She sat up. "Sorry Senyaa-chan!" She also spoke in Japanese, confusing Dean and Rome. I told them where their rooms where and told them to go unpack or whatever. They took the hint and left me to my Japanese, not before Dean got slapped on the back of the head for commenting on Satsuki's breasts. I was led by Satsuki and Riko to where the others sat waiting. They were in my back yard where we often hung out. Kuroko with his light blue hair was laying with his head on the blonde haired Kise's lap in a two person 'love' seat. Riko sat on the arm of the chair her raven haired boyfriend Hyuuga sat in. Himuro was propped up against the wall while Satsuki sat on the wooden bar that was built into the side of the deck. I ruffled Himuro's black hair. Taiga sat on one of the three bar benches with Daiki on his other side. Cheers ensued as I walked out onto the porch. "I missed you guys so much." I beamed in Japanese. Hoots of agreement meet me. I plopped down in my chair and my dogs charged out into the yard.

Dean and Rome made their way out with smiles. Himuro pushed off the wall. "Do you guys know much Japanese?" He asked them.

"No," Dean answered.

"They don't know Japanese," Himuro informed my friends.

"I suppose I should introduce people." I said once in English then again in Japanese. "Guys these are Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns." Japanese. "Dean, Rome these are the guys." English. I pointed to each as I went. "Riko and her man Hyuuga. Himuro. Satsuki. Kuroko and his man Kise. Taiga and his man Daiki, though you guys already met."

"How do you say nice to meet you?" Roman asked.

"Hajimemashite," I whispered in his ear. He repeated it back to them, butchering it a little but my friends accepted it.

I pulled Dean and Rome aside shortly after. The group had tried their best to speak English, remembering bits and pieces from high school. "What do you guys think of them?"

"They are nice." Roman said.

"It's cool that they are trying to involve us." Dean said.

"Do either of you have Brock's number in your phones?" My question surprised them.

"Uh. Yeah." Rome said. "Why?"

"Just want to make sure he found his hotel okay. Just cause he doesn't want to be nice doesn't mean I won't be."

"True," Rome responded handing me his phone. Taiga pulled his attention from me. They settled back in, Rome sitting next to Daiki and Taiga and Dean plopped on the middle of the deck. I snuck back into the house and plopped down on my couch. I scrolled through his contacts until I found one named 'Lesnar'. That was it. 'Lesnar'. I pressed the number. It rang three times before he answered.

"Yes Reigns?"

"Hey." I said. Silence. "Just calling to make sure you got to where you were going okay."

"I did."

"M'kay. Well b-"

"Wait." I did. He said nothing.

"Listen. I have guests and stuff, so-"


"Why what?"

"Even after everything I said, why would you make sure I was okay."

"Just because you don't care doesn't mean I don't."

"W-Wait. Did you just say you care?"

"What you said hurt me because I thought we could be friends. Just because you don't want to be nice to anyone doesn't mean I won't be." I hung up before he could say anything. Gripping the phone in my hands, I let my eyes slipped close and my head fall back. That kind of hurt.

"Are you okay, Akiyama-chan?" Satsuki's soft voice said. Two people sat next to me. One on each side. I could tell it was Riko and Satsuki. I broke down a little in their warm presence. I told them what happened. All of it. When I opened my eyes I was surprised to find a tear slip out. I rubbed it away but they just kept coming.

"W-What the...?"

"You like him a lot more then you are admitting." Riko said. "I could see you break a little while you were talking to him."

"You saw that?"

"We both did." Satsuki said. "Don't worry though. We'll keep this from the guys. Wouldn't want all of your friends in jail." She giggled and it made me laugh a little too.

I pulled them into a hug. "I missed you guys."

Japanese light (Brock Lesnar x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora