Chapter 26: Cheese Cake and Accidents

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I sat in catering with the most awkward group ever. On one side sat the Beast Incarnate. On the other side is the Lunatic Fringe. Across from me is Reigns. None of the talked but Rome and Dean kept eye balling Brock and the silence was thick with tension. I groaned calling their attention to myself.

"I have never been in such an awkward situation." I sighed. "Not even when Taiga admitted to being with Daiki."

Dean let out a laugh, while Rome smirked. "I would have never expected those two to be going at each other." Dean said.

"Imagine this," I leaned forward. "Taiga and Daiki were always fighting, inside the court and out. They had a huge rivalry for a while. Like they hated each other, then one day were like, 'Yeah. We've been dating for three months.' Kise almost died. I swear to God he started choking on his soda." Dean was laughing at this point and Rome had snorted. Brock just smiled at me. "To make it worse Kuroko said 'What's wrong Kise? Usually you don't choke when things are in your mouth.' That's how he come out."

Rome was laughing about as hard as Dean was and Brock even let a few slip out. "That can't get any better." Dean said.

"It did," I snorted. "Satsuki, Riko, and I started laughing at them and Murasakibara went 'What are you guys laughing at? I know for sure Riko and Satsuki would understand what it's like to have something in your mouth.' Satsuki literally became red and then she said 'No I wouldn't. Only thing I've been with is Riko.' Hyuuga was the one to choke now. It was so funny to watch. Bara said it with such a straight face."

Our laughter grew and people began to stare. Surprised glances were sent our way. Brock wasn't usually one to laugh around the other stars but here he was laughing. Not as hard as Rome, Dean, and I but still pretty bad. Dean suddenly stopped.

"I have been meaning to tell you what happened between you and this Akashi guy?"

I groaned. "I haven't talked to him since my last year of high school. Over petty stuff too." I put my fork on my now empty plate and scraped my fingers into Dean's half eaten cheese cake. "He believes that he always had to win. It made it worse that Seirin beat them in Taiga and Kuroko's first year there. He thought he had to make up for it by beating everyone in everything else. He got mad when he saw my grades were better and started screaming at me. So me being me I told him what I thought about him then punched him. He hasn't talked to me yet. Shintaro doesn't talk to me cause he's the one in Akashi's pants."

"That is so pathetic," Rome said.

"Yup," I said. My name was called and Seth beckoned. "Oh snap. Two-tone wants me. BRB." I pressed a kiss onto Brock's lips before running after Seth. "Hey."

"Hey," he said with a smile. We made our way to the ring and Seth was handed a mic. Boo's and cheer's sounded from the crowd. "No one can dethrone me. No one can beat me. No one can shelf me. I am the FUTURE! Besides that I have the most-" He threw his arm around me. "-the most beautiful Diva by my side." He lowered the mic and whispered an apology before pressing a kiss to my lips. Dean's music blasted, breaking the kiss. I wiped my lips.

"I'm sorry," Dean said sarcastically. "Am I interrupting your make out session?"

"Well," Seth said. "Yeah. Which sucks because she's a great kisser."

"Different strokes for different folks," Dean said. "She's a little too out there for me. I overheard her talking on the phone the other day about a show she was watching. It sounded too bloody for even me."

I turned Seth's mic towards me. "Funny thing. That was one of my tamer shows." Seth smirked and laughed.

"Beside the point," Dean said. "I'm out here because Two-tone over there mentioned that no one can beat him. I have and I will again tonight." He threw his jacket to the side.

I left the ring opting to sit with the commentators. Uso was there so I sat next to him. "Hey Uso." I said into the headset I had taken from Braxton. "Hi Cole."

"Hey girl," Uso said. "So I've been meaning to ask. You and Seth? What's the connection?"

"He's the future. I need to buy in to my future and his. It's whats best for business. Besides that he's a good looking guy." I shrugged. Uso laughed. He knew none of that was true. Seth is a friend. Barely.

"So who do you think will win?" Cole said.

"Are you deaf? Seth is the future. If he can't take care of a lunatic like Dean what does that make him? Totally not the future." Seth hit Dean particularly hard and I held back a flinch. He went for the pedigree and hit it. 1. 2. 3. "Now if you'll excuse me." I walked into the ring at the same time Kane and J&J did.

Rome's music played and he charged out. The brawl began and suddenly the beast took off down the ramp. As soon as he hit the ring he swung for Kane. Kane jerked backwards. I knew I needed to get out of the ring so I slipped under the bottom rope. I don't know how it happened but I was suddenly shoved out of the ring with Joey landing on top of me. I hit the ground hard, my head bouncing. Everyone in ring froze. Brock's mouth was hanging open a little and I realized it was him that threw the guy at me. Joey was leaning over me, supporting my head with his hand. I gritted my teeth and held my head. I was going to have a killer headache. I didn't know what happened in ring but I do know that I was carted out shortly after. At least I think it was shortly after. I don't know. My vision was going in and out. Black creeped around the edges and I swallowed hard. I was in the doctor's room when I woke up. Not even remembering passing out. Brock stood next to me, looking entirely too worried.

"Hey," I said. I attempted to sit up but stopped with a wince when I felt the pain in my head.

"I am so sorry Senyaa," Brock said. "I am so, so, so sorry."

"Brock," I said. "Lean down here. I can't sit up very well right now." He leaned towards me. "Closer. Closer. A little closer."

Our lips were near each other. Inches apart. I pressed mine to his and forced my hand up to cup his neck, pulling him a little closer. He took the hint and kissed back. I pulled away first and pressed my forehead to his. He was frowning with a worried look in his eyes.

"Brock. It's okay. It was an accident." I whispered with a smile. He began to pull away but I pulled him back, pressing my lips to his again.

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