Chapter 9 /(O,O)\ <-- Puppy dog face :)))

Start from the beginning

As I finish the song/monologue, I hold my 'end position' - as I had always been told to do - for 5 seconds, then pull out of it and face the teacher with a challenging look in my eyes. However, there is something very different in her eyes : sadness, sorrow, pain, grudging respect, and - the best one yet! - tears!

And, with that, I skipped away to my seat, a smug smile on my face. Before I could sit down, however, I was attacked by a certain blonde who was crying her eyes out,

"Oh. My. God. That was amazing! I'm actually crying! You were so in to it! How do you do that?" Kaycee cried, literally, throwing her arms around me.

I laughed and shrugged and sat down in my seat, ready to face another dull, boring lesson of drama...

.     .     .

Oh. My. God. My turn to say that. I had never been so fascinated by old, dead people in my life! Man, I sounded like an airhead there... In that lesson the teacher started on the 'History Of Theatre And Drama'. We started with Greek theatre. My attention held by Aristophanes and Euripides and my fascination by 'Oedipus' by Sophocles. I loved it! Maybe life in general was a lot better here than back in England...

"I will get you back for that." Oops! Just as the thought popped in to my head something - or someone - had to ruin it, didn't they?

"I'd like to see you try, Bowler." I say, exasperation filling my voice as I whirl round to face him. And I once again found myself blushing at our close proximity.

"All I say is, you better watch your back. When you're least expecting it- " He starts, then cuts himself off and strides past me. Confused I start to turn around to ask him what the hell he meant, when he suddenly whirled around and pulled me so close to him I could feel his breath on my shoulder and it made me inadvertently shiver.

"I'll strike." He whispered in my ear. I could feel his breath fanning my neck and his warmth flowing through me. Then, all of a sudden it was gone, and so was he. Disappointment flooded through me at the thought of him not being close to me anymo-

Wait, wait, wait. Woah, woah, woah?! Disappointment?! That Darren Bowler was gone?! You should be relieved that he's gone Tina! Not disappointed! What's gotten in to you?

The truth, it seemed, was that, what had gotten in to me was, Darren Bowler.

.     .     .

*After her next class - which was maths *

I dazedly made my way to my next class, which was (Whoopee!) Dance - Ballet. 

Once I reached the class I hurried in to the changing rooms. While inside I put my hair in to a bun and changed in to my ballet uniform, with just normal ballet shoes - for now.

(Her uniform for the class is in the end note.)

I headed out and frowned when I saw the devil incarnate himself, Darren. Wow! Harsh... My thoughts are getting more violent as the day progresses... I blame it on Darren.

He turns to face me and my death glare changes in to a smirk as I make my way over to Kaycee and sit down beside her.

"Nice bruise!" I yell across the studio to him. He turns bright red from both anger andembarssment, I'll probably 'pay for that' later when I'm 'least expecting it', but, ah well!

Kaycee gives me a questioning look raising an eyebrow at me.

"What? Oh! I gave him the bruise." I announce, a little bit louder than I needed to say it, and wave my hand dismissively as Darren gets even redder... If that's possible.

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