Chapter 48

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The next morning I was laying there and was startled when Severus moved and squinted at the sunlight streaming in through the windows. He made sure I was up then moved and stood up. He arched his back and stifled a yawn making it obvious that he still seemed tired.

He looked over to Harry who was still sleeping ad bent down and kissed my forehead, "I'm going to go get ready, but I'll be right back. Then we can go talk if Madame Pomfrey says you can."

I smiled up at him and nodded, "Okay."

He left quietly shutting the door behind him. Harry woke up a few minutes later but it wasn't because of Severus making any noise, I suspected it was because of the light hitting his eyes.

"Hello sleepyhead," I teased.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up, "Good morning Jessica. Are you feeling better?"

I shrugged, "Not really, how about you? You look like you're doing much better."

He nodded, "Yeah I think seeing Ron and Hermione really calmed me down and made me feel a bit better. The drugs definitely helped at first but now they've worn off an I still feel fine. Now all I feel is guilty about taking that," he pointed at the large bag of coins next to his bed, "They should be Viktor's or we should've at least split the prize. I can't use them knowing everything that happened during this tournament. You deserve them more than me. You saved Fleur then you saved me, you should take them."

I shook my head, "I can't take them Harry. I wouldn't be able to use them either."

He nodded, "I figured you would say that so I've been thinking about something else. Either way half of those coins are yours but what if we gave them to Fred and George for starting their company? They need something to start them off but I know they'll do great once they get off the ground."

I smiled, "That sounds perfect. I know that a joke shop opening is something Viktor would be happy to do with his winning money and Fred and George are perfect for running a joke shop."

Nodding satisfied Harry replied, "Well then that's what we'll do when we see them. I was wondering about that and it's odd that none of our other friends came and saw us, I figured Neville and Blake would've stopped in to see you at least."

I shrugged, "Maybe they weren't allowed in?"

"What about Snape? Did he ever come?" Harry asked.

I nodded, "Yeah he stayed here overnight. He just left about 10 minutes before you woke up, and he should be back soon he said."

Just after I said that Severus came in and replied, "I'm here now," he came over and asked softly, "I know your head probably hurts but some of your friends are here if you'd like to see them. Madame Pomfrey didn't let more than Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley in yesterday but now more of your friends are here if you're feeling up to it."

I looked to Harry who nodded but quickly added, "I'm up to seeing them but if your head hurts or something we can wait until later, I know none of them would mind."

I shook my head, "No it doesn't hurt too badly, Severus is just overprotective," I turned to my father, "You can let whoever's here in."

He nodded and gave me a small smile, "Well I'm going to give you some time with your friends then. I'll be back up tonight to check in. Call me or have someone else come get me if you need anything though. We'll talk when you get out, which should be tonight. You'll be able to go to classes tomorrow if you want."

I smiled at him, "Okay, thanks Dad."

He went over and opened the door and I could hear him mutter to Hermione, "I know I can trust you to kick all their friends out if either of them seem to get too tired. Make sure you keep the noise down."   

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