Chapter 45

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"This was more important," growled Moody, "Who cares about Crouch when you-know-who is back to power?"

Dumbledore held up a hand to silence both of them then said, "We brought Crouch down to the Ministry and we ran into Barty Crouch Sr. on the way. He was obviously upset and his son was raving about how Voldemort would kill us all so he took us immediately downstairs and told us to wait outside these doors. When he came back he said he had the kiss performed. Naturally I was very upset because now we couldn't hear his testimony and prove to Fudge that Voldemort is really back."

"Fudge didn't believe you?" barked Moody who then laughed, "He's going to get everyone killed if he tried to convince people that you-know-who isn't back."

Severus sneered and replied, "People don't want to believe it. It's going to take some convincing to make people aware of the fact that he's back."   

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence Dumbledore said, "Harry my dear boy. If you're up to it some ministry officials will come in to congratulate you and give you your prize since you won the tournament."

"Will my friends be allowed in too?" he questioned.

Dumbledore nodded, "Only if you're up to it."

"Yes please," Harry answered.

"Alastor and Minerva will stay with you to make sure you aren't bombarded with reporters and such but I'm going to steal Jessica and Severus for a bit."

Harry nodded as Madame Pomfrey went out the door, probably to collect everyone that was allowed in. Severus got up and I followed him with a sigh. My whole body still hurt but laying down for a bit had helped. We went out of the room where I was greeted by Ron and Hermione.

Hermione was crying hysterically and Ron was trying to comfort her. She took a deep breath when she saw me and came and embraced me.

"I'm glad you're alright," she said holding me tightly.

When she let go Ron came over and gave me a hug, "We're both glad both of you are okay. You have to tell us what happened. Where are you going?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I think I'm still in shock, I've barely even cried yet. I know it's going to all hit me soon though. Harry is in there and you can talk to him although with everyone around maybe we'll talk to you after he gets out and I'm all fixed up."

Hermione was trying to compose herself before seeing Harry so I pulled Ron aside, "I don't know how long I'll be talking to them and then after I'll probably stay in the Hospital Wing for a while. You need to watch over her, don't let her out of your sight, she's a wreck."

He nodded and we both looked back at Hermione who to her credit was putting on a very brave face, "Don't worry, I've got her."

I patted him on the shoulder, "I know you do."

I called over to Hermione, "Okay I'll be back soon. Get some tea and eat something Hermione, I know it sounds impossible but you have to calm down or your body will start to react negatively to all the crying and shaking."

She nodded mutely. Ron put a hand on her shoulder and led her inside after some ministry officials so I knew she was going to be alright for right now. I followed to down the hall where Dumbledore and Severus had stopped.

We made our way slowly to the Headmaster's office. I couldn't go very fast because my whole body was still in pain and Severus seemed to want to make me go even slower than I had to. I was grateful that around these people I didn't have to put on as brave of a face that I wore around everyone else.

Once we were in his office I eased myself into a chair beside Severus and asked, "Okay so why did we need to come here?"

Dumbledore responded, "Severus just told me that you are planning on becoming a spy and I'd like to see what your reasoning behind that it."

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