Chapter 8

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"Why would you do that?" asked Hermione.

I shrugged, "I couldn't back down, I would look weak. Besides there is a war brewing, you can feel it. These curses are Unforgiveable but what makes you think Voldemort won't use them? We have to know everything he knows."

She was about to respond but I held up a hand to silence her and ran away without a word. Neville was bolting down the stairs as fast as he could. He had been really upset about something, more so than even the rest of the class, and I wanted to make sure he was okay.

I caught up to him easily seeing as though he was clumsy and couldn't go very fast. It didn't help that his vision was probably impaired by the tears brimming in his eyes.

I quietly took his books from his hands and held them as he slowed down, "Neville what's wrong?"

He wiped his cheek, "I can't believe that man had the nerve to teach those during class and then bully you into performing them. They're illegal for a reason, he shouldn't be showing them to fourth years."

I nodded, "It's definitely not something he should be doing in a teaching atmosphere. But you seem really upset. Do you want to go somewhere else to talk about it or do you want me to get you some tea or what do you want?"

He looked at me hard for a moment before sighing and saying, "Could we go somewhere private to talk about this? I don't like talking about it and I don't want anyone else to know."

I nodded, "Sure. I know just the place."

Silently he followed me as I expertly led him up to the 7th floor corridor. I stood in front of a seemingly blank wall and thought hard for a moment. Suddenly a door appeared. I turned the handle and walked in. Inside was a small comfy looking room. There was a fireplace with a fire burning bright and a couch sitting in front of the fire. There were two cups on the table and I knew they would have tea in them, since that's what I asked for.

"What is this?" questioned Neville.

I shrugged, "I dunno really. I found it at the beginning of last year when I was looking for somewhere to just get a lot of anger out and there was a gym and punching bags. Then when I came back it had changed into a hot tub when I wanted to take a dip. It changed into whatever you want at that moment. It's pretty cool."

"That is cool," he confirmed, "Who else knows about this?"

"No one. This is sort of my hideaway I guess. I haven't told anyone about it yet. It seemed like a nice place to have a private comfortable talk though."

He nodded and his face clouded as he realized that we were going to talk about what was going on with him. He stood there for a moment and I thought that I may have pushed him too far and should just let him go. Then he walked forward and sat down on one side of the couch leaving the other side for me.

I went and sat down next to him and handed him a cup of tea, "So what's up? Why did today's lesson get to you so much?"

Nervously he said, "Can you not tell anyone about this conversation? I don't want anyone to know. It's probably good for one person to know but I really don't want the whole school to know."

I nodded, "Of course. What's wrong?"

He took a deep breath and then it all came tumbling out, "Well you know that evil witch Bellatrix right? Cause everyone knows about her. Well she was a Death Eater during the last Wizarding War and my parents were working on Dumbledore's side. Well they got capture by Bellatrix and she treid to torture information out of them about the Order's plans for defeating he-who-must-not-be-named but they wouldn't tell her. But she kept torturing them until they went," he trailed off.

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