Chapter 39

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A short while later I heard a second canon and I knew Harry was now in the maze. I still hadn't encountered anything. At the time Krum's signal went off I ran into a plant covering the area I needed to get through creating a veil. I recognized it as Devil's Snare immediately and was able to burn a huma sized hole to get through it before walking on some more.

The fourth canon went off and I knew Fleur had just entered the maze. I turned a corner to my left and saw a winged animal in front of me. It was golden ad instead of attacking me it just waited for me to come to it. As I approached I realized it was a golden sphinx.

"Dear child," it began, "Tell me what walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at midday and at night three."

"A human," I answered quickly having read the riddle of the sphinx in a muggle book sometime.

It stepped aside and I walked calmly past it. I hadn't run this whole time because it was better to be slow and cautious than to run straight into something bad. I heard a scream from somewhere in front of me. It was Fleur, I was sure of it. Even knowing I shouldn't help her out if I wanted to win I ignored that part of my mind and rushed forward. I ran through the maze trying to follow the scream which was still coming from somewhere.

I turned right at an intersection and saw Fleur on the ground. There was a giant spider on top of her and it seemed to be trying to pinch her face. I immobilized the spider but Fleur still didn't get up.

I went over to her side and pushed the spider over, "What happened?" I asked.

"It stung me. I cannot move and I feel weak," she said, "But you should not have helped me. You will lose now."

I shrugged, "I don't care about winning, I care more that everyone is okay. I'm going to get you out of here okay?"

I sent red sparks into the air because she seemed unable to perform the spell herself, "A teacher will be here soon," I told her.

"You should go then," she replied.

I shook my head, "I'll wait until someone gets here so that nothing else comes alone."

Within a minute of me saying that Flitwick appeared from the air and said, "Who sent up sparks?"

I pointed to Fleur, "She got stung by the spider and she needs to be taken out. Make sure she gets an injection of dragon's blood to contradict the affects of the spider. Spiders like that one can only sting while they are pregnant and I don't know if the handlers knew she was pregnant so they might not have any on hand. If they don't, Severus has some of the right kind."

He nodded and started to levitate Fleur away, "You should get going Ms. Wallwirt, you wasted a lot of time here."

I took off at a slightly quicker pace than before. I must've been pretty far into the maze if it had taken Flitwick that long to fly over to me so I kept going in the general direction I had been going. I encountered a swarm of blue pixies but a simple wind spell was able to send them flying in the opposite direction. Suddenly the path opened up in front of me to a clearing with the cup in the center. My time helping Fleur must've taken longer than I had thought because Harry and Viktor were already closer than I was and they were racing towards the cup. I began to pick up my speed as I went towards them to congratulate both of them. They both were gaining at eh same speed and the two of them reached out to grab it at the same time as I was still 10 feet away. Too late to tell them to let go I realized it was a portkey and ran full speed to them and was able to get in the portal that took us somewhere.

We got let down in a dark place. All three of us landed on our feet despite not expecting a portkey. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust and when they did I realized that the three of us where in the middle of a cemetery.

Viktor looked at Harry and I puzzled, "Is this part of the task do you think?"

I shook my head and said quietly, "Take out your wands slowly and quietly. This isn't part of the task, we were set up."

Looking frightened both of them drew their wands at the same time that a familiar voice said, "My Lord they have arrived."

It took me a bit to register where I had heard that voice but once I realized it was Peter Petitgrew I knew what he was talking about, "Guys get behind me," I muttered.

"Who else is here besides Harry?" a raspy voice that I had heard once before down the trapdoor, said.

"Snape and Viktor Krum, a Quiddatch player."

"Kill the spare," the voice ordered.

"Avada Kedavra," Wormtail said with his wand trained on Viktor behind me.

I couldn't react quickly enough and I wasn't sure what I would've done but either way I was too late. Viktor slumped to the ground as Harry cried out for him. Harry then turned to Peter absolutely livid. I was upset too but I knew if I wanted to keep my life and have Severus survive I'd have to keep all my emotions completely in check right now.

"Bring the girl over here," the voice ordered his servant.

I'm sorry about splitting this into two chapters but it would've been really long if I had kept it as one, please vote and comment if you liked it though!

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