Chapter 42

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I sighed and said, "We have to go get Harry from Moody."

Severus echoed my sigh and said, "Fine, come on."

We followed them to his office trying to keep up even though I was very weak. When we got to his office I thought we would go right in but instead Severus stopped right outside the door and held a finger to his lips. We listened in on their conversation even though I wasn't sure why. I trusted Severus though so I did as he asked and stayed silent.

"The Dark Lord is back?" Moody asked.

"Yes," Harry responded.

"And he cut you there?"

"Yes," Harry said again.

"Were his followers there?"

"Yes," Harry said yet again.

"And how did he treat them? Did he welcome them back?" Moody asked.

Severus conjured his Patronus and sent it on its way. He motioned for me to stay quiet so I couldn't ask him what he was doing but in my current state I was in no position to call the shots. I would let Severus do whatever he wanted.

"Uh he didn't kill any of them if that's what you were hoping," Harry said meekly.

Soon Dumbledore and McGongall showed up behind us quietly. I look surprised but Severus nodded at Dumbledore who inclined his head forward and pushed in front of me.

"Who was in the graveyard with you?" Moody questioned, "Did he say any names of anyone?"

Harry started slowly, "I don't recall saying it was in a graveyard professor. How did you know?"

Moody was about to answer when Severus flung open the door. He and Dumbledore followed closely by McGongall and me entered the room with wands poised at Moody. Severus moved forward in front of Harry to block him as Dumbledore walked over to Moody.   

"You're not the real Alastor Mooody are you?" he asked.

I realized what was going on. Someone was impersonating Moody. The impostor shook his head despite probably knowing that no one in the room believed him.

Dumbledore nodded to Severus who produced a vial of clear liquid from his robe pocket. He forcefully dumped the liquid down the impostor's throat and kept his wand trained on him.

"Who are you?" asked Dumbledore.

"Barty Crouch Jr."

"Where is the real Alastor Moody?" asked Severus.

He didn't say anything but his eyes darted over to a large chest in the corner of the room. McGonagall wet over and opened it. I peered over her shoulder along with everyone else. There was a man sitting at the bottom that was missing an eye and one of his legs. This must be the real Alastor Moody.

"We will get you up right away," called down Dumbledore.

"Thank goodness," he yelled back.

"Severus and I will take Barty Crouch Jr to Azkaban while you three retrieve Alastor," Dumbledore stated.

"She needs to rest," Severus argued.

I held up a hand, "I can handle this. Just go, I'll see you soon okay?"

He didn't look happy about it but he nodded and forced Barty to his feet and out the door. For the next 15 minutes I worked with McGonagall to get Professor Moody out of the chest while Harry looked on.

Once he was out he stretched his arms and said, "I've got a spare leg and eye in that closet over there, could you get it for me?"

I slowly walked over trying to shut out any pain I was feeling. I retrieved his leg for him and grabbed an eye off the top shelf. I handed them to him and he put both of them on before standing up and arching his back.

"It feels good to stand up after this long. I suppose I should go find Dumbledore now. He'll be back within half an hour and I know I'll need to eventually give testimony against Barty."

I nodded and said, "Do you know where his office is to wait or do you need me to help you?"

He smiled at me, an expression that looked weird coming from the same cruel face that had taught our D.A.D.A. classes all year, "Of course I know where it is. Snape is right, you need to go see Madame Pomfrey, you were obviously tortured."

I nodded as he left leaving me with Harry and McGonagall, "Go up to the Hospital Wing and get fixed up. I'll go wait for Dumbledore and tell him to come see you both in the Hospital Wing when he gets back."

I shook my head, "I'm fine, I'll wait with you until they get back. I already took a blood replenishing potion, I'm going to be fine."

"Ms. Wallwirt, you must go to the Hospital Wing. I will send them both down right when they get back so don't you worry about missing out on anything. Even if you just go lie there that will be better than you moving about in your current condition."

The Potions Master's Daughter (Book Three)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin