Chapter 10

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He sat down as Mr. Crouch came up and addressed the students gathered before him, "The Ministry has decided to put some rules in place to ensure the safety of students here. Only fourth years and above may submit their names into the Goblet of Fire. The goblet will chose one competitor from each school to compete and the winner will receive a prize of 1,000 galleons."

Whispers broke out. 1000 galleons! That was a lot. Everyone was eager to submit their name into the goblet now.

"There will be a series of 3 tasks the challengers must complete. They will be awarded points accordingly and the winner will be decided by a panel of judges handpicked by myself and the rest of my department. I ask that you do not submit your name into the goblet lightly because if you are chosen it creates a magical binding making you compete. In the past there have been injuries and death, but these new rules should help combat that. Regardless this tournament will be exhausting and drain you of everything you have, so do not put your name into the Goblet of Fire lightly, that would be a mistake."

With that said everyone was allowed to eat. I didn't know the students would be in classes with us and Ron and Harry were talking excitedly about the possibility of having a class with Krum.

I let them down, "Guys the other schools only brought 6th and 7th year students, he's not going to be in any of our classes. We're two years below him."

Dejectedly Ron replied, "Well he was smart enough to skip a grade, I bet he's the one the goblet picks for Durmstrang."

Hermione perked up, "What do you mean he skipped a grade?"

"He's only 15 but he's a 6th year because he skipped his 2nd year," Ron replied.

She nodded in approval and stole a glance at the Durmstrang table with a new admiration in her eyes.

Once everyone was done eating Dumbledore stood back up and said, "Well then let's bring in the Goblet of Fire."

Filch wheeled in a giant goblet into the center of the room with a grunt as everyone gasped at it.

"Those wishing to submit their names for entry should write their name on a piece of parchments and put it in the flame by the end of next week, we will chose the champion on Saturday of next week, one week and one day."

Everyone was allowed to leave. As we left I thought about asking Blake if he wanted to join our game of Exploding Snap we were planning but refrained when I saw him laughing with Pansy Parkinson from Slytherin. Instead of Blake Neville and Seamus joined us. Soon Ginny and Dean Thomas joined in our game. There was definitely something going on with Ginny and Dean as I saw her redden whenever he talked to her and he seemed to be flirting with her.

Five days later at breakfast Severus caught my eye and said he wanted to talk to me after breakfast. I excused myself and strolled down to the dungeons.

I walked into his office and plopped myself down in the chair across from him, "What's up?"

"I don't want you to put your name in the Goblet of Fire," he blurted.

I shrugged, "Okay. I wasn't planning on it. I don't need more danger than needed in my life right?"

He stared at me, "You're not going to fight me on this? You really aren't going to put your name in, because if you are just tell me instead of going behind my back and doing it and me finding out when your name is called."

I shook my head, "Nah I wasn't going to. Why don't you want me to though? It would be nice to have the prize money."

"It's not safe. It's never been safe and I don't know why we suddenly decided to restart this tradition but I don't want you in danger on purpose."

I nodded, "Okie dokie then, I won't put my name in."

"Thank you," he said slowly.

"Have you talked to Blake lately?" I said completely changing the subject.

He shook his head, "No not really. In class a little bit but not other than that, why?"

"He's hanging out with Pansy and the other Slytherins a lot and he won't talk to me or my friends so I was wondering if you knew what was going on."

He shrugged, "I know you kids find this preposterous, but you could just ask him."

I shook my head, "Nah it's fine. He probably just wants to fit in with his house and he can't do that if he's always hanging out with Gryffindors."

He nodded, "Okay well that's your business what you do there but you're really not going to put your name into the Goblet of Fire?" he asked dubiously.

I laughed, "You still don't believe me but I swear I won't. I gotta go, I promised my friends I'd go to the library with them. See you later dad."

I kissed him on the cheek swiftly and left. I walked down to the library where Hermione had told me to meet everyone after breakfast when I told them I was going to talk to Severus.

I walked in and saw Hermione sitting by herself, "Where is everyone else?" I asked.

She pulled my arm down and hissed, "Sh. They're not here, I just need your help."

Puzzled I asked, "Why?"

"I have a boy problem," she stated blushing.

I grinned, "Great, what's up?"

"Well you know Viktor Krum?" I nodded, "He always comes in here after breakfast and after dinner to study, and that's when I normally study so we've been helping each other study and do homework and he taught me a couple things. I can't tell if he's being nice or if he's flirting. I think he's just being nice because why would he waste time flirting with me when he can have any one of the many girls that follow him around without him saying a word. I just need to make sure, or I could make a fool out of myself. So you're going to sit here or wherever we go invisible and tell me afterwards what you think."

I laughed, "Okay Hermione, why not? How long should this friendly stalking take? I'm supposed to have breakfast with Neville."

She shrugged, "Normally we are here for a couple hours but you only have to stay for an hour to figure out what you need to know and then you can leave and tell me during lunch or class or after lunch of whenever I see you next."

I nodded, "Okay, I'll just be over there waiting for Viktor to arrive for you then I suppose."

As I made a charm to make myself invisible and sat on the side of the room near Hermione I laughed at the stupidity of the situation. Hermione was having me spy on her and Viktor to see if he was flirting with her or not. This was my first "boy mission" and it was strangely exhilarating.

Oh yay boy mission! During this book I definitely start weaving in relationships and whatnot because it's their 4th year so they're getting old enough for all of that drama. Don't worry though I don't change the whole book into a giant love triangle and have the plot revolve around it.

The Potions Master's Daughter (Book Three)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora