Chapter 24

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Happy New Years everyone I hope everyone has an amazing year!

We went down and checked his office and classroom before going to his personal chambers. I muttered the password as a door appeared and we stepped in.

"Dad!" I called out when I didn't see him in the main area.

He came out of his bedroom scowling and said, "There's no need to yell."

I smiled at him anyways, "We figured out the egg!" I squealed.

He laughed and gave me a small smile, "That's great. What is it?"

Blake cut in, "It was a mermaid's voice, that's why we couldn't hear it above water. So we put it underwater and it said, 'Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. And while you're searching ponder this; we've taken what you'll sorely miss. An hour long you'll have to look, and to recover what we took. But past an hour, the prospect's black. Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.' We have most of it figured out but what do you think?"

"I think Jessica is going to have to go in the Black Lake. The merpeople are going to take something from you and you're going to have to get it within an hour."

I nodded, "That's what I thought. How do I hold my breath for an hour though?"

He shrugged, "I'm not sure," his face lit up, "Wait. Use Gillyweed. Just eat some before you get in and it's supposed to last for 2 hours underwater."

I sighed, "That's easy; maybe Harry should use that plan. I thought of an idea, but it's really far out there. You guys have to tell me if I'm being completely insane okay?"

Blake nodded and laughed, "I'm sure its brilliant and you're just scared because it's never been done before. That's probably because no one had ever thought of it. Lay it on me."

I took a deep breath, "What if I didn't even go in the water? I could fly above the water or stand on the water or something. I could use a location or finding spell to find whatever they take and then use a vortex to create a clear path to whatever it is. Then I could just levitate it up without ever going in the water."

"Vortexes take a lot of energy to keep going," Severus said, "But if you already knew where the thing was it wouldn't take very long. What if they don't tell you what it is? A locator spell only works if you know exactly what you're looking for."

I nodded and thought for a second, "What if I used a reflection spell if that happens? I could go over the whole lake and just reflect the image of what's underneath into the air until I find whatever I'm supposed to find."

"That's brilliant Jess," Blake told me nodding, "That would definitely work."

So that was our plan. I practiced every spell I would need. I told Harry he could use Gillyweed to swim around for an hour. We weren't sure what was going to be taken but I felt more confident about the fact that we at least sorta knew what was coming.

Finally after a week of practicing and trying to keep up with my schoolwork too, the day of the second task was upon us. Like last time, the task would be held around 2 o'clock. Harry and I were too nervous to eat anything at breakfast so we both sat there and accepted votes of confidence from our friends and peers.

After breakfast Hermione, Ron, Harry Blake and I went outside and sat by the tree. We went over everything we needed to know and try to calm ourselves down. It was very cold outside so no one was out except for us. Everyone was getting ready to watch the second task. At this point everyone knew it was on the Black Lake so no one wanted to be outside all day, it was cold out.

Around 11 Severus came outside and walked over to us, "Jessica and Potter you need to come take some more pictures and answer some more stupid questions. The other three of you need to go find McGonagall, she needs to talk to you all."

"Why?" asked Ron.

Severus was trying hard to not sneer at him, "I have no idea," he replied, "Perhaps you should ask her yourself when you go see her."

They nodded and we all stood up, "Good luck," Hermione said as she gave me and Harry a huge hug.

Ron shook Harry's hand and gave me a quick awkward hug, "You'll do great," he assured us.

"Me next," Blake said with a smile.

Rolling my eyes I put my arms around his neck and allowed him to pick me up for a moment before putting me down, "Don't die Jess."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I said sarcastically.

He shook Harry's hand, "Good luck to you too. That Gillyweed should be perfect."

Harry nodded as he and I followed Severus into the castle.

As we navigated our way to the Great Hall Severus asked, "Both of you are ready right?"

I nodded, "If everything goes to plan it should be pretty easy."

"Thank you for the Gillyweed sir," Harry replied, "That's probably the easiest thing to do."

Severus nodded and gestured into the Great Hall, "You'll both do fine."

For the next two hours we were moved around the Great Hall to take photos and asked questions, one right after another. Rita Skeeter was there so all of us were sure to try and give precise answers that she couldn't warp into something it wasn't again.

Finally Dumbledore came and kicked everyone out about an hour before the task was about to start, "You should all start heading down to the lake, Barty Crouch will give you more instructions down there."

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