Chapter 6

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So Hex isn't a class that is in the books but I decided I would add it as my own bit of creativity. Basically it's like D.A.D.A. except you only learn Hexes. It mentions a class in here called Counter and all that is, is just the counter curses for the Hexes...just figured I should let you guys know to clear up ay confusion. Vote and comment if you liked it!

I smiled and walked down to breakfast. My first few classes went well, everything was normal and 4th period I went down to the dungeons instead of out to Herbology. Severus and I worked on some counterattacks that dealt with not having to counter the spell then attack but a spell that did both of them in one. He wasn't able to teach me much new stuff that he knew and I didn't so it turned into the two of us learning new things from books together then practicing.

I had Hex second to last period. I walked in the room quietly and took a seat in the back. A few of the kids looked confused and I didn't blame them. If I was a 7th year and a 4th year walked into one of my classes I'd figure they were lost.

The teacher was Charity Bubbage who I also knew taught Muggle Studies. She took roll call and when my name was called as being in the class a few kids looked back at me.

She stopped after saying my name, "Ah yes Ms. Wallwirt, Headmaster Dumbledore talked to me about you. I'm sure you'll do just fine in this class, although I'll imagine it'll be a challenge for a fourth year."

I politely nodded and smiled although I knew that the opposite was much more true. I would be the best student in the class and it wouldn't surprise me if I was better than Professor Bubbage. Not that I was arrogant or anything, it was just true.

She clapped her hands after taking attendance, "Okay well this is my only class of Hex this year for 7th years. There are only 24 of you so I'm sure we will all get to know each other very well. I think all or most of you took Hex last year but for the few of you that didn't it's very easy and mostly hands on. We work on one hex every 2 days and by the end of those two days you're expected to be able to perform it at will for a grade. There will be mainly practicing during class time, and luckily for you I don't assign much written homework."

A bunch of the kids smiled and one Ravenclaw student that seemed to be friendly with her said jokingly, "I think it's just because you don't want to grade anything Professor."

She laughed, "That's quite true Mr. Kraska," she addressed the whole class again, "I'm going to assign you seats, and the person at the desk next to you is going to be your partner for this spell. We will switch seats every two days so that you get the opportunity to work with everyone in the class."

Since my name was at the end of the alphabet I was able to stay seated in the back. A 7th year Ravenclaw student became my first partner. He didn't look very happy about it and I rolled my eyes. Bubbage went over some complex hex that I had already read about so I was sure I could do it.

"Alright," she said happily clapping her hands again, "Everyone up! Let's practice that hex. Be careful please. This one is extremely hard and I don't expect any of you to get it on your first try, but keep going."

The Ravenclaw boy stood up and faced me sneering a bit, "Did you understand everything she said? Like do you think you can do that, or do you realize that you have to drop to a lower class?"

I smirked, "I'm sure I can do a hex as simple as that, can you?"

He scowled, "You sound awfully confident. I know I can do this spell, but let's see you try."

"Okay," I said shrugging, "Stand back. I don't want to hit you full blast with it so close to you."

He laughed, "I'm sure I'll be fine," he said condescendingly, "Just get your wand out and try."

I scowled at him, "I don't need a wand."

With that I lazily flicked my hand at him and immediately large bubbles began to appear in his skin. I knew they wouldn't hurt but they sure looked nasty and blocked your sight.

"Professor!" he shouted, "We need the counter curse over here!"

Before she could even react to what he had said I pointed at him again and the swelling went away .

I stood staring at him with a hand on my hip, "Do you think I'm just some stupid 4th year now?"

He scowled as Professor Bubbage came over and exclaimed, "How did you do that counter curse? We don't learn those in here. Are you taking the counter curse class as well?"

I shook my head, "Nope, I just know it."

She stared at me, "Well then, well done. Now allow Mr. Foles to try it on you."

I nodded and stepped back away from the boy. For the rest of class he struggled to cast the spell. At the very end he was able to make one tiny bubble appear but it popped almost as quickly as it had appeared. No one else in the class was able to perform the spell very well although a couple kids were able to get one maybe two medium sized bubbles.

When class was about to end Bubbage went up to the front of class and said, "Good work today guys. We'll continue to work on this hex tomorrow, keep practicing!"

Everyone started to leave and I was finishing putting stuff in my locker when Bubbage called out, "Ms. Wallwirt could you stay after for a moment?"

I sighed as I finished putting everything in my locker and walked up to her desk. I looked at her trying to keep my face void of any emotions.

"You did very well today," she commented.

"Thank you."

"Have you learned that hex before?" she asked.

I shook my head, "No."

"Well that was very impressive work. I just wonder if it was a one time thing or if you'll be as gifted in other hexes as well. If so, then I'm not sure what I could really teach you."

"Don't worry ma'am, I have that problem in every class."

"Oh are you taking higher level courses in all your classes? Are fourth or fifth year classes better suited for you than third year?"

I shook my head, "No, even 7th year classes are a bit too easy for me ma'am. I just stay in my classes to give myself something to do. I take private lessons with Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape during my free time."

"Oh how unusual," she commented, "Well I hope you enjoy this class even if it's with kids much older than you."

I nodded politely and left the room eager to get to Defense Against the Dark Arts and see what Professor Moody had to offer.

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