Chapter 41

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Hesitantly I muttered the curse and began to play around with forcing Harry to do stuff. I first twitched his hand then made him blink. When Voldemort shot a stunning spell at him I was able to block it.

I dueled Voldemort through Harry for another 5 minutes all while making sure I didn't look like I was doing anything for the rest of the people in the cemetery with us. I had Harry cast expelliarmus but at the same time Voldemort cast the Killing Curse.

I was ready to make Harry duck when the two spells collided. I held Harry's had firm and continued to urge the spell forward as the Dark Lord did the same. The two spells kept connected in the middle until a pale purple light began to form from Voldemort's wand and forms were sent out of it. The first form morphed until it became Viktor Krum.

I looked at him in shock and had Harry asked, "What are you doing?"

Viktor ignored him and said, "Bring my body back when you go okay? This isn't your fault."   

I let the Imperius Curse off Harry and he nodded. The other two forms were slowly starting to take on human characteristics. I didn't recognize the people but it was obvious Harry did. And once they became clearer I could recognize them too. The man looked exactly like Harry and I had heard about his mother from Severus and Harry. These were obviously his parents. I couldn't figure out why they were here and Harry looked even more shocked than me.

"My dear boy," Lily said, "You've grown up so well. You're so strong Harry we are so proud of you."

"How are you here?" questioned Harry.

His father answered, "Son you need to leave. We can hold him off for a little while but you need to race out of here. Take the cup and go."

Harry nodded mutely then started to say something only to be shut up when his connection started to fail. He grabbed my arm causing me to wince from the large gash in my arm and pulled me over to Viktor and laying a hand on us took the cup and we were transported back to where we started. Except the maze was gone, we were transported back to where the center of the maze had been but now there was no maze. All sorts of ministry officials and teachers were walking around and talking in hushed tones.

When we arrived everyone rushed to us. All of us had fallen and Harry stayed on the ground crying over Viktor's body. I stayed seated on the ground because I feared if I tried to stand up I'd pass out from the amount of blood I had lost.   

Dumbledore was first to reach us, "What happened?" he asked me.

Harry answered, "He's back and he's killed Viktor!"

It was loud enough that everyone right around us could hear although the concerned looking people in the stands couldn't.

"What are you saying my dear boy?" Dumbledore asked gently as he stopped everyone from coming any closer to us.

"Lord Voldemort is back. He's returned."

"Get out of my way," I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up and saw Severus shove his way to the front. Several people gave him strange looks and a few knowing glances were exchanged between some professors. I didn't care, he was the one person I needed to talk to right now.

"Out of my way!" he bellowed, "Can't you see they've both been tortured and have blood loss. Now I have the potions to help them if you'd let me get to them."

Soon he was standing next to me and handed me a potion, "How much blood did you lose?" he asked.

I shrugged, "A lot. Harry lost some too but not nearly as much."

Dumbledore butted in, "What exactly happened after you touched the cup?"

I was about to launch into the story when Severus angrily said, "They can tell you in a little bit once they have recovered a bit more. They've both gone through series of torture, Potter is still crying, there is a boy dead and you have a lot of people you need to inform."

Dumbledore nodded and turned to the flood of Viktor's family that shoved their way up to where we were, "What happened to my son?" his mother wailed.

Dumbledore picked Harry off of Viktor as his mother began crying over his body and Dumbledore talked to his family. I was in a daze and I wasn't sure of everything that was happening. All I knew was that my body ached and my arm hurt something awful.

Severus sat next to me, "He summoned everyone didn't he?"

I nodded and was about to ask how he knew that when I answered my own question and instead asked, "Does your arm hurt too badly?"

He nodded, "It hurts a lot and you could tell when Igor felt it. He has already fled. Are you okay? How much torture did you go through?"

I shrugged, "A lot but not enough to break me. He said I need to do it three times to become a Death Eater so I have to figure out a way to not have that happen but I'll deal with that later when all his Death Eater friends aren't there."

Severus sighed, "Okay come on. You need rest, and some more treatment. You're shaking; you must've gone through a lot. You can answer anyone's questions later; right now I want to make sure you're okay."

I nodded and allowed him to gently help me up. We were walking back to the castle when out of the corner of my eye I noticed Moody practically dragging Harry back to the castle. I wasn't sure how Dumbledore let Harry out of his sight but I knew he wanted to talk to Harry himself before anyone else questioned him.

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