Chapter 9

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When we walked in Hermione walked over to us looking concerned, "Where were you guys? We couldn't find you anywhere."   

"We were just talking," I responded vaguely.

She looked like she had something else to say but she kept glancing at Neville like he needed to go away before she could say anything.

He didn't get the hint so Hermione sighed and said, "Jessica Professor Snape came up about an hour ago looking for you. You have extra classes remember? He said to go down when you got back so you should definitely go talk to him. He looked worried or something."

She was trying to tell me Severus had to talk to me without straight out saying that with Neville right there. She thought he didn't know still.

I held up a hand, "I'll go down and talk to him. Neville knows by the way, just in case that would've helped. You're a terrible liar."

Her face got red as she stuttered, "Sorry," to Neville and said, "Bye," to me."

I walked out of the common room invisible so I wouldn't get caught after curfew even if I was just going down to see my father. I stopped by his classroom first just to make sure he wasn't there. As I expected he wasn't there, he was in his office.

I took off the charm and closed the door, "Hey. Hermione said you were looking for me. Sorry, I was talking with Neville all afternoon. What's up?"

"Are you insane?" he growled at me.

"Uh what?" I asked.

"I heard from some students that Moody was teaching the Unforgiveables during class today and that he had you come up and perform all of them on spiders. Why would you do that?"

I shrugged and said, "He backed me into a corner. I didn't want to look weak."

He sighed, "You shouldn't have been taught those spells let alone perform them."

I shrugged again, "Well it's fine. There's a war brewing, they'll be useful to know just in case."

"There is no war here yet, you're still a child. You are not allowed to use those spells."

"It's closer than you think. I can feel it in the air. If he thought it was safe to use them in that setting then why not get some experience with them at least? It's fine."

I started to walk out but Severus said, "Jess, all I ask is that you be careful. Killing a spider and killing a human are completely different but the same spell."

I turned around, "I'm always careful."

"Goodnight Jessica, I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek before saying, "Bye," and going back up to my dormitory.

The next week was agonizingly slow waiting for the other two schools to arrive and for the festivities to begin. Harry, Ron Hermione and I were spending more and more time with Neville as part of our group to fill in for Blake. I only spoke to Blake two or three times during the week and only briefly. He was back to living in the Slytherin dorms having reconciled with Draco and his friends just enough to sleep there. He was hanging out with his housemates more and more, so he couldn't always hang out with us as much but I couldn't deny that I felt a bit jealous. During meals Luna Lovegood had become a staple in our group at the Gryffindor table. She was one of Ginny's closest friends and was always a good person to lighten the mood.

Finally the day came. The students from the other two schools were due to arrive just before dinner so classes went on as normal. Then the students were all instructed to go and tidy themselves up before coming down to dinner. The teachers all wanted to make sure Hogwarts looked good. Dinner was already on the table as we all filed into the Great Hall. The other two schools weren't in here yet so I figured they were either running behind or they had a grand entrance planned.

Once all the students were seated at their house tables Dumbledore went up to the front of the room and said to everyone assembled, "I know you have all been waiting for this day anxiously. You all look great this evening and I am glad to have this group of students representing Hogwarts at this legendary event. I know you all want to meet the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons so first it is my pleasure to announce the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy.

He gestured towards the door which promptly opened to reveal a group of probably 25-30 girls in blue mini skirts and blue blazers. They did a complicated dance routine with birds that I soon grew bored of. The boys were all entranced by the lovely French girls with their long legs and gorgeous faces. As they took their seats Dumbledore greeted their Headmistress, Madame Maxine who was probably half-giant. She was tall enough and large enough to rival Hagrid. Hagrid looked at her with interest and waved at her with a smile on his face.

"And next the gentlemen of Durmstrang Institute and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff," Dumbledore announced.

I looked at the door in excitement as a group of 20-25 young men came in dressed in heavy red robes and carrying canes. They did a gymnastics routine with lots of flipping and stomping of the sticks. In the middle walked a boy with the Headmaster. I recognized him as Viktor Krum, the famous seeker. While the girls enjoyed the show by all the young gentlemen, all the boys in the room were looking at Krum with admiration. Ron and Harry not being an exception. Ron stared at him as he and Karkaroff shook hands with Dumbledore and took their seats.

Dumbledore stood up at the front of the room again commanding everyone's attention, "After those two lovely shows of talents I have a few announcements to make. The students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are going to be given timetables much like the Hogwarts students and are going to attend classes with all of you. Instead of following the timetable of a certain house, we have mixed it up to give everyone an equal opportunity to forge friendships with our new guests. I know you will all treat them with the greatest respect while they are here. This tournament is an opportunity to make friendships with unlikely people, and I hope all of you jump on this chance. Now I know you all want to know more about the Triwizard Tournament itself so it is my honor to introduce Mister Bartimus Crouch of the Ministry of Magic to talk to you all about the rules of the tournament."

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