Chapter 14

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The next morning I got up feeling better than I had in a while. While most of the school hated me and Harry and thought we were cheating, I had made up with Severus and Blake. Things looked good. I went down to breakfast with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Once we walked in the hall got a bit quiet and everyone stared at me and Harry before going back to eating. None of my friends had talked about being chosen as champions yet, we had decided to wait until after breakfast to discuss anything we needed. I had gotten up to the Gryffindor tower after everyone had gone to sleep the night before and Harry didn't know what was going on. He thought I hadn't put my name in, which I hadn't so I knew he was as confused about what was happening as everyone else was.

During breakfast my silence had to be broken of course as Seamus asked, "So Jessica, Harry how did you both get picked?"

I shrugged and answered, "No one is sure yet."

"Didn't you say you weren't putting your name in though Jessica?" Hermione asked, "You couldn't have been picked if you didn't put your name in."

People were trying to listen in on our conversation so I lowered my voice to say, "I didn't put my name in. That's why this is so weird. They're looking into it now though and are going to tell us when they know anything."

"Were you set up?" Neville asked angrily.

I just shook my head and sighed, "I have no idea. I don't know what's going on."

"Well we don't hate you," Neville said, "Although a lot of the school thinks you both cheated your way into being champions since you're so young and everything."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't care what the rest of the school thinks. I just want to make sure everyone is okay during this tournament."

After breakfast Blake slipped away from his Slytherin friends and walked with us to Transfiguration . The rest of the day was rough for me and Harry. Everywhere we went it seemed like everyone hated us. We were barely old enough to submit our names so no one at Hogwarts was happy that we were selected. The other schools didn't seem happy that Hogwarts had two champions in the running for the prize instead of just one.

Days turned into weeks until soon enough it was almost Thanksgiving. I had spent time avoiding most of the school and discussing possible ways my name was selected with Severus. Blake had made up with Severus so sometimes the three of us would hang out just like the old times. Blake had continued to hang out with his housemates but he made an effort to make time for me and his group of friends in Gyrffindor. It took a lot for me to not get jealous of the Slytherins whenever I couldn't talk to him because he was busy doing something with the very people I hated. Neville and I continued to talk pretty often in my hide out, it had become a weekly occurrence. We would talk about our families or what was going on. I told him about Blake and he told me about what everyone else was saying about me and Harry since they wouldn't say it to my face. We didn't have our spell club anytime because with the two other schools here and the fact that Harry and I were both champions we didn't have enough time for it. I barely had enough time to take private lessons with Severus and Dumbledore.

Three days before Thanksgiving a lot of kids were packing up their things and getting ready to take the train back home to spend Thanksgiving week with their family. Most years we didn't get to go vacation we were allowed to have. Dumbledore had decided that everyone would be allowed to go home and celebrate Thanksgiving with their family this year. Hermione, the Weasleys, Neville, Seamus, Dean,  and almost all of my other friends were going home for the holiday but I was staying and I knew Blake was staying. I didn't know if any of his other friends were staying too, or it would be a nice time to catch up with him.

Neville grabbed my arm and dragged me away from the group a little bit with a grin on his face, "Okay so I was telling my Gran about my friend Jessica and she said that you could come over sometime this holiday or for Thanksgiving dinner if you don't have plans. I don't know if you and Professor Snape normally do something but you're welcome to come over for Thanksgiving but if you can't you should at least come over for part of the holiday. She really wants to meet you."

I beamed, "I'm not sure what I'm doing for Thanksgiving dinner I'd have to see what Severus was thinking but I bet we are just staying at Hogwarts. Are you sure I wouldn't be barging in on your family gathering?"

He shook his head and his face dropped just a bit, "No it's just Gran and I for Thanksgiving, I think she'd appreciate the company. I know I would."

I nodded and smiled again, "Okay I'm sure I'll be able to come over for part of the week I just don't know if I'll be there for Thanksgiving dinner. I'll ask my dad and then I'll send you an owl."

"Okay fantastic!" he said enveloping me in a hug.

The whistle blew so I pulled away and said, "Hurry and get on the train or you'll miss it. I'll see you soon

Once the train had pulled off I sighed and walked back up to the castle alone. None of the kids I knew was staying over break, so I walked down to Severus's office to ask him about what we were doing for Thanksgiving.

"Hey Jess," he greeted when I walked in the door.

I smiled, "Hi Dad. How are you?"

"Good, I need a week of rest I think it'll be good."

I nodded, "Okay so Neville invited me over to his house over the holiday so I was wondering what our plans were for Thanksgiving?"

He shrugged, "I wasn't planning on going back. I was thinking just have dinner here in the Great Hall or whatever."

I nodded, "Could I go over to Neville's for Thanksgiving then?"

"Sure, why don't you see if you can go over that morning and then just come back when you're done eating. I'll get permission from Albus but you'll just have to check in with me when you get back. Other than that I don't see any reason you can't go."

I smiled widely, "Thanks so much. I'm going to go up to the owlery to tell Neville you said yes, I told him I would have to ask you if it was okay or not first."

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