Chapter 5

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"Sit down," he said once I came in.

He sounded serious and that concerned me, "What's wrong?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sat down across from me, "Dumbledore has decided to host the Twizard Tournament."

"Hadn't that been banned because too many people died?" I asked.

He nodded solemnly, "Yes. Lugo Bagman has been talking with Albus, and the other two headmasters about new rules to make it safer and all of them agreed that we should try again."

"So what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I just wanted to tell you that so you knew what was going on. He'll announce it to everyone tomorrow and about a week after school starts the other schools will come with their best students. I also wanted to tell you that he hired Alastor Moody as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Alastor Moody? As in Mad Eye Moody? As in one of the greatest aurors to ever live?"

He nodded, "But mad isn't far from his actual personality. He isn't an auror anymore because he was too hard to control, too hard to keep up with. Just be careful with his class, I'm not sure what exactly he'll do but I know it'll be outrageous."

"Is he dangerous or something? Dumbledore wouldn't let him teach if he didn't think he would be a good teacher right?"

He shrugged, "I'm not sure what Albus was thinking on this one. He's just too unpredictable. One of the headmasters is Igor Karkaroff used to be a Death Eater but he fled out of terror once the Dark Lord was defeated. I don't think he'll like having Moody there."

"What about you? What does he know about you?" I asked slowly.

"He knows I used to be a Death Eater, he was at my trial even," Severus said, "We definitely aren't friends but Albus was the one who vouched for me and Moody trusts Dumbledore so he probably won't give me too much of a problem."

I nodded relieved, "That's good news then at least he won't bother you."

We ate dinner and then we both went to bed. The next morning I was up early and got ready to go to school. I had decided I wanted to take the train again this year instead of apparating with Severus.

The train ride there was uneventful. We tried to pack a lot of people into one compartment. Instead of just having Hermione, Ron, Harry Blake and me we also had Ginny, George, Fred, Ginny's friend Luna Lovegood who seemed a bit strange and Neville also sat with us for part of the ride. We had fun though and we all got along great as we joked around and ate food off the trolley.

We sat together at the Gryffindor table, but since it was the Beginning of Year Feast Blake had to sit at the Slytherin table and Luna went to the Ravenclaw table.

After everyone was done eating Dumbledore stood up and said, "If I could have everyone's attention there are several very important announcements that need to be made," everyone looked up, "This year Hogwarts will play host to the Triward Tournament," whispers broke out throughout the hall, "I'm sure many of you have heard about it and of the things that have happened during these tournaments in the past but we have taken new precautions to assure everyone's safety. The other two schools of magic will be arriving here in one week and they will be staying in house dormitories with all of you. I'm sure you will all be great hosts and welcome them to our school graciously."

It looked like he was done speaking but with Dumbledore you never knew. It didn't matter because just then the teacher's door was opened and a man came walking in. I recognized him from a couple books I had read. That was the famous Mad Eyed Moody. He came in but didn't sit down. He stood standing in the doorway taking in his surroundings.

Dumbledore looked at him and motioned him forwards, putting his hand on his shoulder, "And my other announcement for this school year is that I have convinced a very good friend of mine, Alastor Moody to be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I'm sure many of you have heard of Alastor and his accomplishments as an auror and I hope that you treat him with all the respect that you treat all of our professors here at Hogwarts."

He motioned that we could leave so we all left and headed up to the Gryffindor common room. Blake joined us as the 5 of us went and took over one fo the couches in the common room.   

"I can't believe Mad Eyed Moody is going to be our teacher!" Ron exclaimed, "He's brilliant. A little off his rocker for sure, but Dad says he's brilliant."

"I've read about him," stated Hermione, "It's going to be an honor to be taught by him don't you think?"

"He retired a few years ago though," Ron said, "I wonder how Dumbledore was able to convince him to come out of retirement."

I shrugged, "He's Dumbledore and they seem to know him. I'm sure all he had to do was ask, most people would do anything for Dumbledore."

He nodded and launched into a story about all the things he knew about Alastor Moody. Soon enough it was time for bed so we all went upstairs.

The next morning we were all expected to go see our Heads of House for our schedules before breakfast. The 5 of us walked downstairs together then Blake went to the dungeons to get his from Severus while we all walked to the Transfiguration classroom to see McGonagall.

The room was packed and it took half an hour before we were in the front of the line. She handed a schedule to Harry, Ron, and Hermione telling each of them about their schedules. Hermione had dropped Herbology and had picked up an Ancient Runes class while Harry and Ron kept the same classes as last year.

She didn't have a schedule for me though, "Headmaster Dumbledore told me to tell you to go see him about your scheduling. "

I groaned but thanked her. There was no reason for me to have stood in that line at all. I told my friends to go to breakfast without mea s I went to the Headmaster's office and got by the gargoyle by saying Jelly Beans.

I knocked on the door and heard Dumbledore respond with, "Come in Ms. Wallwirt."

I walked in with a smile, "Professor McGonagall sent me up to see you about my schedule. Am I not just taking normal classes this year?"

Dumbledore shook his head, "Severus has a free period 4th period which is when 3rd years normally have Herbology. I talked to Severus about all of this already and he said while it's up to you he recommends everything I'm about to say. You could drop taking Herbology, and take a private lesson with Severus instead. Then I want you going to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration but I also think that switching Charms out for an older class maybe something like Hex and take a 7th year version of Hex."

I nodded and shrugged, "Severus and you probably know better than me. I'll do that."

He nodded and handed me a piece of paper, "Here's your schedule then. I hope you have an enjoyable year this year, hopefully nothing too serious will happen."

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