Chapter 38

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I wasn't able to be near Blake for the next week. He was still going out with Lydia and they seemed to be happy. Ever since my conversation I had been occasionally thinking about Blake and even though I tried to make myself stop I knew there was at least a little part of me that loved him as more than a brother. I didn't know if that meant we would work as a couple and I didn't want to ruin how happy he seemed with Lydia but it hurt too much for me to be with him and know that he was with Lydia. Hermione had started to hang out with Viktor the same way she had before and she had slowly started to talk to Ron more. Ron seemed very happy but Hermione voiced to me that being friends with both of them made it hard to make a decision between the two of them. Ginny had gotten over Dean so I was back to hanging out with him sometimes but since they had broken up Ginny didn't want to be near him meaning she wouldn't hang out with us as much. Susan and Seamus seemed to be doing surprisingly well together despite how different they were but I was happy for both of them. Neville had seemed a bit down lately and we had talked once more since our last conversation and he wouldn't say anything about it, instead changing the subject or trying to insist he was fine.

It was now the day of the last task. Harry and I went alone and practiced for the morning out by the lake while our friends were off doing other stuff. We had asked to be left alone because we were both too nervous to talk and be around other people that weren't going through what we had to do.

At around noon much like every other task Severus came out to get us, "It's time to answer more questions."

We nodded and followed him inside, "Is Rita Skeeter here?" I asked.

He nodded and sneered, "I'm afraid so. Where are your friends?" he asked pleasantly.

To my surprise Harry responded despite him and Severus still not having the best relationship, "We asked to be left alone so we could practice some more. I can't help but feeling that something terrible is going to happen."

Severus looked equally as surprised but was better at masking it than I was, "Hopefully everything will go well today but if something does go wrong there will be plenty of people there to help you."

We answered questions and took pictures for a while much like the other two times. Harry and Viktor were told to make it obvious that they were good friends to stop Rita Skeeter from saying anything else so they stood together most of the time. Finally they were done with questions and pictures. It was starting to get dark, this task was going to be a bit later than the other ones and I suspected it was going to end during the hours of darkness.

"Champions follow me down to the field please," Barty Crouch said.

We all followed behind him like little ducks down through Hogsmeade to the same location as the first task although it had been recreated to form a maze. The edges were high enough that I couldn't see over them but there was a glimmer over the whole thing that made it apparent I couldn't just fly over the whole thing. The stands went all the way around the maze and there was a small circle of dirt between the outside of the maze and the start of the stands.

The four of us were taken to one side of the maze where there was a small gap in the hedges where we would start. The other headmasters were talking to their students but since Dumbledore was busy talking to Barty Crouch Harry and I were talking together.

Suddenly I heard Barty Crouch's voice ring throughout the stadium, "Hello everyone and welcome to the third and final task of this year's Triwizard Tournamet. Our four champions will go into this maze and search for the Triwizard Cup. Whoever touches the cup first is the winner. If any of you are in any need of help and desire to leave the maze, forfeiting your chance to win all you must do is send up red sparks. The competitors will be going in at staggered times. Ms. Wallwirt will go first seeing as though she is in first place, followed by Mr. Potter, then Mr. Krum and finally Ms. Delacour. Champions line up and wait for the canon to tell each of you when to go!"

The four of us lined up next to each other and I was told to step forward. I gave Harry a quick hug and shook hands with Fleur and Viktor before waving to the crowd and stepping up. The canon went off and I walked confidently into the maze and turned left.

I know the past few chapters have been pretty short, sorry about that but next chapter will have the third task in it so yay! Vote and comment if you liked it please! :))

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