Chapter 13

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Finally the day was upon us. It was soon Saturday night and time to chose the champions. I hadn't made up with Severus yet so as I sat down to eat I sent him a glare.

Once everyone was done eating Dumbledore stood at the front of the room and announced, "Mr. Filch if you could please bring out of the Goblet of Fire."

The goblet was wheeled into the center of the room as he walked up to it and said, "It is now time to announce the three champions for the Triwizard Tournament."

The fire spit out a small piece of paper that Dumbledore plucked out of the air and read, "The champion selected to represent Beauxbatons is Miss Fleur Delacour."

There was a roar of applause from everyone as a girl with long blonde hair and a light blue outfit walked gracefully up to where Dumbledore was. He kissed her hand and she was led into the back.

Another piece of paper flew out and he read, "From Durmstrang Mr. Viktor Krum."

Everyone clapped as the obvious candidate for the Durmstrang walked confidently to the front of the room. He shook hands with Dumbledore and was also led into the back.

After that was done another piece of paper flew out, "Harry Potter will be representing Hogwarts," Dumbledore announced with proud evident in his voice. 

Harry looked shocked as Hermione gave him a push to go to the front. He went up and shook hands with Dumbledore and was also led into the back like the other champions. I was surprised the goblet had selected someone younger but I knew Harry would do great regardless of how inexperienced he was compared to the other competitors.

The goblet was wheeled off to the side of the room as Dumbledore came up to the front of the room again, "Wonderful. We have our three champions selected. The first task is going to be held on the 3rd of December. The specifics of the task will not be disclosed until the day of the first task. Now off to bed, all of you."

As everyone got up to leave the goblet roared back to life and threw another piece of paper into the air. Severus was closest to it and caught it in his hands and stared down at it. He looked shocked.

When he didn't say anything after a while Dumbledore asked, "What does it say Severus?"

He whispered something that no one could hear before saying a little louder, "Jessica," even louder he said, "Wallwirt!" finally he practically screamed, "Jessica Wallwirt!"

I walked up to the front as Dumbledore came over and said, "Go into the back with everyone else Jessica. You have been chosen as a competitor."

In a daze I walked to where I had seen the other competitors go. I tuned out all the yells of how it was unfair Hogwarts got two champions and how we were cheats.

Once I was in the back Harry asked, "What are you doing here?"

I was able to get out, "I'm a champion," before all the professors and headmasters came into the room.

Severus shoved his way to the front and grabbed the front of my robes pushing me up against the wall and asked quietly so no one could even hear, "Did you put your name in the goblet Jessica?"

I shook my head, "No of course not."

He sneered at me, "Obviously you did. Now are you even really Jessica, or have you been imperiused or an imposter?"

"I assure you I'm not an imposter, I'll answer any question you want if you so desire though might I remind you that you are in front of everyone here and I didn't put my name in the goblet. What happened?"

"Why don't you tell me what's going on Je-Wallwirt."

He let me down and I put my hands on my hips, "You don't believe me but I didn't put my name in."

He continued to sneer at me, "Lying to me will get you nowhere."

Dumbledore cut in, "Severus that is enough, you know you shouldn't revert to physical methods and I don't think Ms. Wallwirt knows anything more than we do at the moment. Barty what do we do here? How did we end up with two competitors?"

Mr. Crouch responded, "The rules are absolute, Ms. Wallwirt must stay on as a competitor and we will look into how the goblet gave us two competitors."

Moody but in saying, "It would take a very powerful confundus charm to confuse the Goblet of Fire. Someone must've tampered with it."

Karkaroff replied, "You seem to have given this a lot of thought Moody."

"It was once my job to try to think along the lines of evil wizards, surely you would remember that."

Dumbledore told us, "All of you should return to your dormitories, we will inform you of anything else tomorrow. You should all begin preparing for the first task."

The room began to file out. Harry and I started to walk out together and made it as far as getting out of the Great Hall before we were stopped by my father.

"Jessica," he said shortly before turning away motioning for me to follow.

I waved bye to Harry before following behind the billowing cloaks in front of me. We walked all the way to his office where he went to the potions stores. He came out with a clear vial and gave it to me. I downed it without thinking twice.

"Did you put your name in the goblet?" he asked with a scowl.

I shook my head, "No of course not. I told you I didn't and I didn't."

He looked surprised much to my displeasure, "Fine you didn't. Did you have someone else put it in for you?"

I sighed and replied, "No."

He sat down and put his head in his hands, "How did your name get into the goblet then?"

I sat next to him still angry at him a bit, "I don't know Severus. I've told you that, I can't believe you still don't believe me, I mean it's me."

He looked over at me and then looked down, "I'm sorry Jessica. I've upset you pretty often lately. I just don't want to lose you or have you get hurt terribly in this horrible tournament."

I put my head on his shoulder, "It's okay, I get it," I was silent for a few minutes before I whispered, "I don't want to compete."

He stroked my hair gently, "I don't want you to either but you'll do great, you're the best there is. You could win this in your sleep."

I put my hand to lay beside my head, "I'm not worried about the actual competition, I'm worried about who set me up."

He sighed, "I know Jess, I know."

I closed my eyes, "I love you dad."

"I love you Jessica. You're going to kick ass in this tournament and then we'll kick the ass of the person who set you up. Either way you have to compete."

Yeah so this is a bit different than how the book has it but I wanted Jessica to compete but I also wanted Harry to compete so I completely left out Cedric

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