Chapter 29

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McGonagall was standing in the middle of the room as everyone filed in, "Take a seat around the outside of the room please," she told people as they came in.

We all took a seat together. When Fred and George came in right before it was about to start they were grateful we have saved them good seats, far away from the center of the room. Judging by the record player in the middle of the room I figured we'd be learning how to dance today. I knew all the basic formal dances already but I knew most kids didn't, there was no reason to.

We were all joking around and snickering when McGonagall turned the music on  very softly and said, "I'm sure many of you have guessed that you will all be learning how to dance formally today. Once I teach you all the steps I will partner you up and you will all practice. I know many of you will be embarrassed to dance but just remember inside of each of you there is a lion roaring to get out and show it's passion through dance."

Ron turned to his brothers and pretended to roar.

"Very good Mr. Weasley," said McGonagall, "I'm glad you're so interested in what we're doing today. Get up here and help me demonstrate."

Ron blushed hard as he got up and with a small shove from Hermione went over to McGonagall in the center of the room. His brothers began to clap and yell for him until McGonagall put an end to that.

"Now Mr. Weasley give me one of your hands and put the other on my waist?"

"Where?" he asked horrified as his brothers laughed.

McGonagall used Ron to demonstrate the correct steps for the dance we were going to be doing first and when she was done she said, "Okay now partner up and practice that. I need to speak to Mr. Potter and Ms. Wallwirt please."

Harry and I walked away from our group of friends to McGonagall as they were choosing who would dance with who. Ron and Hermione ended up together much to my pleasure. Neville, Seamus and Dean all went with one of the other girls in our year. They were all mean and rude but they didn't have much choice.

"Now the two of you are champions," she started, "So you have certain responsibilities for the Yule Ball. Normally the three champions open up in a circle ballroom dance but it is set up for three couples and since there are four champions this year we have elected to do the same dance as the rest of the students. You four along with your dates will open the Yule Ball in dance for one song until we invite everyone else to join in."

"So that means we need a dancing partner?" I questioned with a groan.

"Don't do that," she said, "You will both have no problem finding someone to go with but yes you need someone to dance with to open the night. That means you two have to know this dance better than everyone else. The other schools already know dances much more complicated than this and they'll be able to make this dance look like a piece of cake. I don't suppose either of you know how to dance?"

I shrugged, "A little bit. Stuff like this for sure, I already know this dance pretty well but I'll work on it and find someone to go with early."

She nodded, "I advise you to do the same Potter. You can go back and practice now, with the train wreck this is I think this is the only dance I'll teach you guys."

As Harry and I danced together it turned out he wasn't a terrible dancer. Sure he wasn't great, but for his first time trying to dance it was pretty impressive. Ron on the other hand was terrible. Hermione was light on her feet and Ron was clumsy. I didn't know if it was because of how close he was to Hermione or if he was just a bad dancer but he kept stumbling and looking down at his feet.

As we took a break Hermione laughed and said, "Gosh Ron I hope Viktor is a bit better at dancing than you are."

Ron let out a laugh although I could tell it was forced, "I'm sure he is."

Before I knew it, it was only a week before the Yule Ball making it 2 weeks before the final task. Hermione had taken me dress shopping and I had helped me pick out my dress. It was a strapless high low dress. It started out with black at the top which had slightly glossy material that was fitted tightly around me. From there it flowed loosely changing from black to a deep purple. A pair of black heels and nice necklace would bring the whole thing together just fine; Hermione had done a great job picking out my dress.

I still hadn't found a dance partner. I was calling it a dance partner and not a date so that no one would be confused and think I wanted a date. About 5-6 guys had asked me to the dance but once I explained I only needed someone to dance with once, not a date they all said they wanted to find a proper date. Ron and Harry both needed a date too, although I was sure neither of them would have a hard time. Fred and George had gotten dates so I couldn't just force one of them to dance with me for one song. Harry was a champion so I couldn't ask him to dance and Ron was just a terrible dancer. Neville was probably the best dancer in our year but I knew there would be lots of teasing if I went with him. I was going to save that as a last resort. I could always ask Blake but I didn't want to force him to go with me if he wanted to get a different date. Now that my friends had mentioned they thought he might like Lydia I had begun to see it. It looked like she liked him too so that option was probably out too.

Ginny and Dean were going together although I had noticed they had been fighting a lot lately. Seamus had found a date with one of the other girls in our year Susan, she was probably the nicest out of the rest of the girls so I was cool with his choice. It just made it difficult to find someone to go with. The next thing to do would be to accept being a true date with someone or ask Neville or Blake.

The next day when I was just about to go talk to Harry about who was still free to go with Neville came over to me, "Hey Jessica who are you going with to the Yule Ball?"

I shrugged, "No one yet. You?"

"I was going to see if you wanted to go together. I know you've been saying you don't want a date and you need someone to dance with. I've gotten pretty good at that dance and since we're in the same friend group we can both hang out with all of our friends after that dance."

I smiled widely, "That sounds perfect Neville. You're probably the best dancer in our year."

He smiled weakly, "I doubt it. I'm always really clumsy. What color is your dress so my bowtie matches?"

"Just black," it told him, "It has some purple but it's deep enough that a plain black tie will match it well."

So luckily for me it turned out I didn't have to ask anyone to the dance. It would be nice to go with Neville but I knew I would get grief about it from my friends who were constantly hinting about how they thought I liked Neville. I knew there was a possibility I could like him in the future but knowing what my future held I didn't want to do anything and hurt him.

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