Chapter 32

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I saw Blake walking over as Lydia was distracted, "Do you want to dance?"

I was about to say yes when Lydia came bouncing over and grabbed his arm, "Oh I love this song!" she yelled, "Come on, let's dance."

Blake gave me an apologetic smile as he went off with Lydia and began to dance.

"Do you want to dance?" Neville asked.

I thought about it for a minute before nodding and saying, "Yeah sure, let's dance."

The two of us danced. By the end of the song I was much happier than I used to be. I also didn't see Blake and Lydia anymore. That made me a bit upset; I had been hoping I'd be able to snag him for a quick song.

At the end Neville asked, "Do you want to go for a walk? You don't look like you want to be here. You can fill me in on what happened between Ron and Hermione and Dean and Ginny. Dean just walked away from her, got his jacket and left."

I nodded and we went outside. We sat down next to each other under the tree. There was a warm spring breeze bristling through the trees.

We had been talking for about 15 minutes when a bright light was shone in our face, "Who is it?" I growled.

I looked up and saw Severus, "Hi!" I chirped.

He looked down and when he saw who it was he asked, "What are you two doing out here?"

I shrugged, "It's stuffy and crowded in there. We came out for some fresh air. I was telling him what happened, it put everyone in a pretty bad mood. Aren't you supposed to be in there?"

He sat down next to me and smirked, "I got out of there. Someone always has to go around and make sure there are no couples where they shouldn't be. I like embarrassing them, and it got me out of that hall so I took the opportunity."

I laughed lightly and said, "Of course you would enjoy something like that. Yeah I get needing to get out of there though, it's too fancy and formal for me."

"You look quite nice, though," he commented, "And the two of you looked good dancing together."

"Thank you sir," Neville replied.

I rested my head on his shoulder and responded, "Thanks. You look nice too."

"Wanna watch people scream?" he asked, "It might help cheer you up."

I smiled, "How?"

"I'm going to check the carriages now. Just stay back and stay invisible and it'll be fun."

Neville chuckled and stood up, "Well you guys have fun with that, that sounds like very interesting father daughter bonding time. I'm going to go back in and probably head up to bed."

I stood up and gave him a hug and said, "Okay I'll see you tomorrow then, thanks for coming with me."

"No problem, I had a lot of fun," he replied before leaving to go back into the castle.

Once he was gone Severus turned to me with a slight grin on his face, "Okay are you ready?"

I nodded and went invisible. I stood behind him as he shot spells to open carriage doors. There were screams as people were in various stages of making out. Some people were halfway undressed as Severus opened the door on them. Severus would take off points for each of them as they hastily apologized and struggled to get dressed before Severus closed the door in their faces. No one could see me so I wasn't concerned about them trying to get revenge on me. Most of them were too horrified to even noticed anyone besides Severus was there anyways.

We got through 5 of the 7 carriages with only one of them being empty. I was laughing so hard I was crying as Severus opened the 6th carriage.

He shot the spell to open the door and I looked up ready to laugh again. Instead of laughing my jaw fell to the ground in shock. Instead of it being some random 7th or 6th years that I barely knew, I definitely knew this couple.

"20 points from Slytherin for you Mr. Cox, and 20 for you as well Ms. Bultain. Put some clothes on and get back to your dormitories."

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