Chapter 4

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It was obvious he still didn't believe me and I was about to set him straight but I wasn't able to respond because Sirius and Remus burst into the room frantic.

"Are you all alright?" Sirius asked giving Harry a hug as Remus ruffled his hair.

We all nodded, "What happened then?" Remus asked, "We heard there was a Death Eater attack at the Quiddatch World Cup, but they didn't have any specifics yet."

"There were 14 Death Eaters there setting fires and cursing people. No one was killed although several people were injured. None of the Death Eaters were captured but the ministry is already working on a case to figure out who they were."

"They'll never figure that out. They never do," Sirius muttered.

Arthur was about to comment, probably to agree with Sirius's statement but there was a knock at the door. Mrs. Weasley got up to go answer it.

"Who could that be?" Sirius asked, "Sorry for not knocking, we weren't even sure if you guys would be home," he apologized.

Arthur shook his head, "No it's fine. I couldn't dream of how scared you must've been."

Just then Severus walked into the room. He glared at Sirius and Remus. Then he narrowed his eyes at everyone else as the room got dead silent at his entry. Mrs. Weasley was right behind him trying to talk to him. I stood up as he walked over to me.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course," I said simply.

"I tried to tell you that," Molly said huffily.

"Are you sure?" he asked me again ignoring her.

I nodded, "Yeah I'm totally fine."


With that he apparated back out with a crack. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the couch.

"He means well," I apologized, "Sorry for his barging in."

Molly just shook her head, "I'm sure he was worried too, it's quite alright."

"Well that was unexpected," stated Sirius, "Do you have to go after him or something?"

I shrugged, "Nah I can talk to him later. He won't care about the details I'm sure."

"Well that means everyone's parents know they're okay except you Hermione, would you like to call your parents and just explain to them what happened?"

She nodded so Molly took her into the kitchen to use the telephone. We talked for a while longer and Molly made us all another cup of tea. We all went and changed. Sirius and Remus were still there sharing a drink with the Weasleys as the kids hung out and talked.

Once everything settled down I stood up and told Mr. Weasley, "I think I'm going to go home for a little bit, I'll be back in an hour or so."

He nodded as I apparated away back to Spinner's End. I let myself into the house and walked downstairs to the potions room where I knew Severus would be.

"You could've stayed," I told him.

He scowled, "In the company of those people, I was quite alright coming back here."

"Well thanks for checking on me. I know you probably didn't want to."

He looked up at me over the cauldron in front of him, "Of course I would. Are you sure you're okay? Nothing happened to you?"

I scowled, "No. Mr. Weasley wouldn't even let me help the ministry. He didn't seem to believe that I could help even at all."

Severus laughed, "I'm sure he'll be kicking himself for that decision when he learns that you could've gotten all those Death Eaters on your own. Especially since I heard they didn't get any of them."

I punched him in the arm and scowled some more, "This isn't funny. I could've helped!"

"Yes because getting a bunch of the Dark Lord's followers would've definitely gotten you into his good graces," Severus replied sarcastically.

"I could've showed off for his Death Eaters so that they know I know what I'm doing when he comes back."

"None of them are going to care. The only person you need to care about liking your abilities is the Dark Lord. If he says you're good no one will dare to contradict him."

I nodded, "Fine. I'm still not happy Mr. Weasley didn't believe me. I just want to be old already so people will take me seriously."

Severus smiled, "You don't want to be old. Rejoice in being young first. Now come on, do you want to brew a quick potion to calm your nerves or not? I mean I assume you're going back?"

I nodded, "If that's alright yeah. I'm going to stay until Harry and Hermione go back."

He shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me, you can do whatever you'd like."

As I brewed a quick potion I could tell I was settling down, "Oh by the way, Mr. Logan sends his regards. I ran into him at the Cup."

"He didn't mention anything about your studies in front of all of them did he?"

Chris Logan was the one that Severus and I were supposed to report to about what I was learning.

I shook my head, "No he didn't. Everyone was obviously curious about why I knew him so I just told them that he is friends with the Malfoys through the ministry and since you're friends with the Malfoys, that's how I knew him."

Severus nodded as he threw in another ingredient, "That's fine. That makes sense."

Once I was done with my potion I put it all in a vial for Severus's stores. I kissed him goodbye and apparated back to the Weasley's.

I stayed there for another 5 days until Hermione was apparated back to her house by Mrs. Weasley and Harry was picked up by Remus. I apparated back home with all my things.

When I got home I found Severus who said, "Your letter from Hogwarts just came. It's in the kitchen on the table."

With only 2 weeks left until school started back up Severus took me to Diagon Alley and dropped me with the Weasleys and Grangers.

The day before school was due to start, I was busy packing when he called me into the kitchen.

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