Chapter 3

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Just then I heard another familiar voice, Lugo Bagman the director of sports basically, "Welcome to the Quiddatch World Cup ladies and gentleman. It is with great honor that I introduce your Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge to kick off this year's game."

Then the minister's voice could be heard across the stadium, "First I'd like to introduce the Irish."

With this green and white fireworks went off in the shape of a leprechaun and it started dancing. Its dancing was interrupted by the group of players on brooms flying through them. The stadium erupted in applause.

They took their place in midair on the side of the stadium as Fudge said, "And now Bulgariaaaaa!"

Some veela flew onto the field and began to cheer. All the men in the stadium went crazy for them and everyone else was cheering for the team they knew was coming next. Krum was the first to come out and he took a lap around the stadium as everyone cheered louder than they had for anyone else. The rest of his team followed behind him and the cheering continued.

The referee blew his whistle once everyone was set up and the Quiddatch World Cup was off to a start. The game lasted for a few hours and Ireland was up by 160. Then Krum must've seen the snitch because he began to race after something. The Ireland seeker must've seen it too because he dove down after Krum. Ireland would win even if Krum caught the snitch but I figured he thought that it was better to lose by 10 points than to drag the game on forever and still lose in the end. His hand reached out and curled around the snitch as the crowd cheered. It was amazing, Krum had caught the snitch and gotten 150 points and still Ireland had won.

Tired we all went back to our tents for dinner. We all gathered in Arthur and Molly's tent because it was the biggest and ate dinner together as everyone cheered and celebrated. Ron kept commenting on how perfect Krum's form was and Fred and George were teasing him.

Finally we all went to our own tents to try and get a little sleep before we went back home the next day. People were still celebrating so instead of sleeping Ginny, Hermione and I were just talking.

Then Molly Weasley ran in and said, "Girls we need to go now. Come on."

Confused we went out of the tent and I was about to ask what was going on when I saw fire in the distance.

"Did the Irish get too excited?" I joked to Mr. Weasley.

He shook his head grimly and pointed. I followed to where he was pointing and saw a group of people in all black and masks. They were sending spells everywhere and cursing everything in sight. Death Eaters I sighed.

Everyone was outside when he shouted, "Molly is going to take you to the forest and anyone that can apparate is going to apparate everyone back home. I'm going to go see what the ministry wants me to do. Percy, help your mother."

He started running off when I made a quick decision, "Wait I can help you."

He shook his head, "No. You can't do magic and I doubt you'd be able to do anything to a fully grown wizard, a death eater none the less."

"I can do magic," I stated, "I don't have the trace on me. That's why I know all those ministry people, I've been working this whole summer."

"You still can't do anything against these guys," he said hurriedly obviously not wanting to argue with a child.

"I can beat Albus Dumbledore in a duel," I said, "I can take on a couple Death Eaters."

"No," he stated firmly, "I don't care what you think you can do. Go with Molly and help apparate everyone home."

I sighed but went with Molly. Her and Percy were leading the way but I caught up and stood in the front with them wand drawn.

"Is what you said true?" Percy asked, "Did you really beat Dumbledore in a duel."

"Now isn't the time for that!" screeched Mrs. Weasley.

I chose to ignore her and answered Percy's question, "Yeah. He's been teaching me and a couple weeks ago we dueled and I won."

He looked stunned, "That's not possible. You're a third year."

I shrugged as I shot a spell to put out some of the fire ahead of us. A Death Eater stepped in front of us and shot a spell at Harry.

I blocked it easily and began to duel with him. I quickly disarmed him and stunned him. He slumped against a tree unconscious.

"Come on," I urged.

We reached the forest without a problem. I looked up at the sky and saw the Dark Mark. I knew Molly knew what it was and she looked terrified but none of the kids seemed to know what it was and I wasn't about to tell them.

"Harry, Ron take my hand!" I yelled, "Ginny, Hermione go with Percy, can you handle that?" he nodded and I finished, "And Mrs. Weasley take Fred and George."

I made sure Percy apparated safely before Mrs. Weasley and I took off. We apparated right into their kitchen. Percy's group all fell down when they landed because I doubt he was used to apparating much less apparating with other people.

We all took a minute to rest before Ron asked, "Why were there Death Eaters there?"

Mrs. Weasley shook her head, "I have no idea Ron."   

I said, "Well I'm going to go back and see what I can do to help."

"No you most certainly are not. I am not having Severus Snape mad at me if I let his daughter go get herself killed."

"But I can help," I whined.

"You can help by taking everyone into the living room while I make some tea."

I moaned but I did as she asked. We all sat around and worried while we drank tea. Mrs. Weasley was pacing back and forth waiting for her husband to come home.

Suddenly there was a crack and Mr. Weasley appeared right in front of us. Molly gave him a hug and dabbed at the bit of blood on his cheek.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked.

We all nodded as I asked, "Are you okay? What happened? Did anyone get injured?"

He held up two hands, "I'm fine. The situation was taken care of although all of the Death Eaters were able to escape before we could catch them. There were several people seriously hurt and they were sent to Mungos but as far as I know there have been no fatalities."

I let out a sigh of relief, "That's good."

"Thank you for coming back here Jessica. I'm not sure what you were thinking lying like that but you would've gotten yourself hurt if you had come with me. The ministry had to duel 14 Death Eaters."

"I wasn't lying," I replied indignantly, "I could've helped quite a bit."

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