Chapter 17

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Break was over a few days later. Blake and I had hung out every day during break but as I saw him greeting his Slytherin friends I knew that would change soon enough. The first task was going to be exactly a week after everyone got back.

Classes went by smoothly the next day. Viktor and Hermione must've been owling over break because they were talking even more, and were friendlier than they had been before break. He sat with us at lunch and I noticed Ron glaring at him most of the time. I had forgotten to ask him about why he suddenly hated his idol, but I knew I had to sometime.

After dinner Hermione and Viktor announced that they were going to the library to study. Ron, Harry and I went up to the common room. Neville opted to stay in the Great Hall with Dean, and Seamus for a little while longer.

Once in the common room sitting on one of the couches I asked, "Ron why do you hate Viktor all the sudden? What happened?"

Ron glared at me, "I don't hate him, he's a brilliant seeker."

"Then why have you been glaring at him anytime he comes and talks to Hermione and the rest of us?" Harry asked, "I wasn't going to say anything about it mate but it is sort of odd."

He crossed his arms, "I just don't see why he wants to be friends with Hermione or why she wants to be friends with him, they're total opposites."

I cocked a eyebrow, "You're not jealous, are you?"

He scowled, "Of course not. I don't like Hermione Granger guys, I just don't see why she likes Viktor Krum."

I tried to suppress a smile, "They're more alike than you would think. He's actually very smart and puts a lot of work into his schoolwork. He seems to like talking about his classes and he knows a lot about the Muggle world because his mum is a muggle so they talk about that a bit too."

"I just don't see the two of them working out together," he muttered, "She wouldn't be able to deal with all the limelight he's always in and he'll end up leaving her for some pretty new celebrity."

"I think you're jealous mate," Harry said with a smirk.

"I'm not je-" Ron started.

"Hey it's not a bad thing. Hermione is great, I think you guys would be nice together if her and Viktor don't work out," Harry told him.   

I nodded, "Yeah you guys would be really cute together. You really should tell her though or she'll just go out with Viktor without even realizing that she has a choice."

Ron let the scowl drop off his face, "You guys can't tell her and I'm not going to either. Viktor is good for her I guess and she wouldn't want to date me. I think she only puts up with me because of the two of you."

I shook my head, "That's not true and you know it. Hermione loves being friends with you and not that you heard it from me but she's mentioned that she likes that you've grown up and became more mature lately. I think she used to like you Ron, and she still might. I mean you can like two people at the same time. But if you like two people then you go out with the person who likes you back, so you need to tell her."

"She really said she likes that I'm more mature?" Ron asked ignoring everything else I said.

I shrugged, "Yeah I mean this past year and over the summer you became a lot more mature and you're putting more effort into your work and you have more deep conversations with us. Both of you really have matured this past year and girls just like that."

"You think Hermione might really like me?" Ron asked incredulously.

"I'm not saying for sure but I mean she could and there have been little things that cause me to think she might. We don't really talk about boys very often but I could try to figure it out if you want."

He nodded, "Yeah sure why not. That way I'll either tell her or I'll let her be happy with Viktor."

The next day after dinner Hermione and Viktor were going down to  the library and I was going to go for a walk with Blake but Severus asked me to go down and meet him in his office.

Blake came with me down to his office. We walked in and closed the door behind us. We took a couple seats across from Severus.

"The first task is dragons," Severus stated.

"What? How do you know that?" I asked stunned.

"All the teachers and such know. I know the other Headmaster's will tell their champions what it is so I figured I should tell you and you can tell Harry so you won't be behind. You have to get something from the dragon so the two of you should come up with a strategy to get it."

"Dragons are dangerous and unpredictable, why would they allow this?"  Blake asked.

"Like they said in the beginning this competition is very dangerous. I doubt that this will be the most dangerous thing that happens during the tournament. I'm not too worried about you Jessica, but try to help Harry come up with something to do too even if he is technically your competitor."

I nodded, "Of course I'll help him. I don't really care about winning, I just want to make sure everyone is safe. It would be nice if Hogwarts wins so I'll be sure to make sure he knows what he's doing before the third."

Severus gave me a small smile, "Good. Just be careful. I'm not sure exactly how this is going to work but I know that Krum and Delacour will be taught by their Headmaster's what they should do. They will be very well prepared and they are much older than both of you."

I shrugged, "Whatever, we'll figure something out I'm sure. Thanks for telling us."

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