Chapter 27

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Once I was done eating I sucked it up and said goodbye. I made my way up to the Gryffindor tower to where I knew my friends would be. Sure enough Harry, Ron, Neville and Hermione were sitting on the couch.

"Here, sit down," Neville commanded moving over to make room for me next to Hermione.

I smiled at him and sat down, "What's up?"

"Where were you?" asked Ron, "I thought Snape was taking you to the Hospital Wing but we went to check on you and you weren't there."

"He was going to make me just sleep there overnight for observation but I hate the Hospital Wing. He didn't want me to me alone so I sleep on the couch in his dorm instead. I just finished having breakfast."

"So are you okay?" asked Neville worriedly.

I nodded, "Yeah I'm completely fine now."

"Everyone was flipping out and no one knew what to do. The Giant Squid never comes out." Hermione stated.

I shrugged, "I guess I'm the one in the million then. Whatever I'm fine now, Severus was able to get me in time."

"Thank goodness he did!" Neville exclaimed.

I laughed as I turned to Harry and asked, "So I didn't get to talk to you yesterday. How did you task go? Did the Gillyweed work right?"

He nodded, "It worked perfectly. I'm glad I got second. They're supposed to announce some things tonight about dinner about the next task. You weren't there to hear these announcements but there's also going to be a party or something before it, they're going to explain that tonight too."

I sighed, "I just can't wait for it to be over. These tasks keep getting more and more dangerous. I'm scared someone is going to get hurt."

That night at dinner after everyone was done eating Dumbledore got up to his podium and everyone went silent, "As many of you have noticed we have some guests from the Ministry with us at the staff table tonight for dinner. They will explain the details for the third task but first there is something that I have to discuss with you all. As many of you are aware there is a festivity planned for right before the third task to celebrate the time we have had together this year and the commemorate the Triwizard Tournament. It is called the Yule Ball and it is a tradition to have before the third task of every Triwizard Tournament. There will be music and food but first and foremost it is a ball to dance at. Everyone will be instructed on classic dance routines by members of their school's staff. The ball will be held one week before the final task, on May 2nd. This should be a happy time and I hope all students have fun planning for it and attending it. With that all said I give the floor to Mr. Crouch who will explain the details of the third task."

Although I was nervous about the third task it was nothing compared to the prospect of going to a dance. The last formal dancing party I had been to was the Malfoy's annual Christmas party this past year. Those were always terrible even though I always found the same boy there. Every year he would be there at their Christmas Ball. All I knew about his was that his first name was Rodger. He was quite attractive and mysterious. Every year we would dance together for one song and then I would hardly see him the rest of the night. I knew I could dance well enough to fit in but I didn't want to try to think about getting a dress while still being worried about the third task. I certainly didn't want to think about getting a date if that's what my friends decided we were going to do, rather than go together as a group.

Mr. Crouch began to talk snapping me out of my worries, "The third task will determine who wins this years Triwizard Tournament. It will be a large maze containing many surprises that the champions will have to fight or get around. In the center of the maze the Triwizard Cup will be placed. The first champion to grab the cup will be the winner. To prepare I recommend practicing defensive spells and spells to defeat beasts and perhaps some plants. Champions will have staggered starting times depending on how many points they have right now. Since Ms. Wallwirt is currently in first place she will enter the maze first, followed by Mr. Potter, then Mr. Krum and then Ms. Delacour. You have plenty of time to prepare if you put your mind to it and don't let yourself wander too far, even during the time of the Yule Ball."

I let out a sigh of relief; this last task seemed much easier. All my fighting spells were already pretty good and I could definitely use the head start to my benefit. As I thought more about it, I became excited by the prospect of maybe winning the Triwizard Tournament. The 1,000 galleons would sure be nice to have and I wouldn't mind having 5 minutes of fame.

After dinner Hermione, Ron, Harry and I went up to the common room and sat down in our regular spot on the couch.

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