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I stare at them both in utter shock as I see Lacey's eyes widen as she stares into Will's form more and more. A twinge of a familiar feeling bubbles up but I cast it away quickly before I let it take control of my entire body. My palms start to drip with sweat as the air starts to get more and more tense. I look around, back and fourth, hoping that one of them would just speak already, it's hard enough being in the middle of an intense moment, but it's even harder watching the one you loved fall head over heels over someone again, just this time, not with you.

My mind springs around frantically, trying to think of some sort of ice breaker so I won't be able to witness this anymore. As much as I'm over Will, there's definitely some pain when I see him with another girl, like that time when I was kidnapped by him for the second time. All those other girls he brought home always gave me this nervous, jealousy feeling –the same feeling I'm having right now.

I end up coughing. Not so loud at first before starting into an utterly fake coughing fit which makes both of their head whiplash into my direction. I try to stop myself, but for some reason I can't and the next thing I know, I'm in some sort of fucking coughing fit that isn't at all convincing.

Luckily, I manage to tame myself again and stop as soon as Lacey begins to open her mouth. A whole new fuzzy feeling erupts as I wait impatiently for Lacey to speak. The feeling is a mixture of jealousy, anger and happiness – The anger and jealousy are quite self-explanatory and you can probably tell why I'm feeling like this, but the happiness? I'm not too sure myself, maybe it's just the relief of hearing somebody talk again – you know, just to make sure that I'm not deaf yet.

"Shall we be going?" I turn my head and note that Lacey wasn't even saying that to me, she was actually staring at Will still and I had to do a double take to make sure that I actually heard the words correctly.

"W-we? As in us two?" I ask, pointing at myself and her as I say this, she gives me a 'are you fucking kidding me' look which makes me shut up.

"I meant me and Will actually, but if you want, you can join us," it's my turn to give her a sour look at her sarcasm which makes her smile a bit, it doesn't last long as Will starts to cough – a little more swiftly than me and gives us an apologetic look before saying, "I'm sorry to ruin this beautiful moment, but can we please get going? These chains are really starting to fuck me up,"

"You can fuck me up," I hear Lacey murmur beside me and I feel the familiar feeling of jealousy pop up again. I take deep breaths whilst clenching my fists, trying so hard not to rip her head out.

Lacey then walks over to Will and starts to help him out with his chains and I realise that I should start to do something as well. Just not to do with Will. Instead, I look around the room, trying to search for anything useful and anything that can help us to escape.

"Did anyone come in here?" I ask Will, walking around the area that's surrounded by solid concrete walls and a cold, miserable cement floor which is now scattered with various pieces of rubble and metal piping.

"Well, a while ago Devon gave me a little visit, along with Graser..." he trails off and I turn around to look at him so fast I was surprised that I didn't get a whiplash.

"You saw Devon too?" Will gives me a widened look as he realises that Devon has not only visited him, but me as well,

"...Yeah, he basically told me the whole reasoning about this place... Zach didn't do much though, just gave me some bullshit excuse and left," I nod in response before processing the words that left his mouth,

"Wait?! There's a fucking reasoning behind all of this shit?!" I say, flailing my arms around everywhere. Well serve me up and call me dinner, there's some new, proper news that I've been expecting all this time.

Will doesn't say anything but he nods, now realising that I actually don't know anything about this whole situation. I walk around some more, stopping every once in a while to check if there's any near by noise, but as far as I'm concerned, the only noise that is being made is the faint rattling of Will's chains which Lacey is currently trying to pry off him.

"It would be nice if you would help you know Erica," Lacey states and I roll my eyes,

"Well I'm sorry for trying to find a way out of this dumpster," I carry on walking around, kicking a piece of litter every once in a while, before hearing a thundering clunk and a sigh of relief, "Oh thank fuck for that," I hear Will say and look to find that he's now free, rubbing his wrists in order to get the blood flowing there.

"Find a way out then Captain Gizmo?" Lacey asks, sarcasm layered thickly across her voice as she knows well enough that I haven't.

"Yeah I have actually," I answer bitterly, "It's called, shout the loudest and wait until Devon and Zach come in and hope for the best that they'll tell us the exit before killing each and every one of us slowly and painfully," I muck up the sweetest smile possible, sending her to roll her eyes yet again.

Sensing the tension between us, Will finally decides that he should get matters into his own hands.

By screaming at the top of his fucking lungs.

I send him a death glare and not soon after that, we all hear the dreaded sound of running starts to come in our direction, making my heart start to speed up quite a bit.

"Let's see if that plan works, shall we sweetheart?"

Did he just–

I guess he did.


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