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**Brooklynn's pov**

A few days later we were all sitting inside a pizza place and everything was going great, nothing was awkward and we were all laughing and having fun.

Sterling and I kept glancing over at each other at different times and right then I knew something was off.

"Sterling what's wrong" I put my hand on his legged and he sighed motioning his head towards the entrance of the pizza place.

"Alex just walked in with his family and I haven't talked to him yet" he frowned and that's when I knew I had to do something.

I walked over to Alex and asked him if I could talk in private and of course he agree. We walked over towards and he noticed all the others with me.

"What are they doing here" he asked pointing over to them and they waved.

"They are my friends" I asked in a questioning voice.

"Sterling likes you" he said bluntly glaring over at him.

"I know" I think I blushed. "Do you like him" he grabbed my arm and it slightly hurt.

"Ow stop that hurts" I tired pulling away and he grabbed me tighter.

"Look you can't like Sterling because I like you and I never get turned down" he got angrier and I was about to cry.

"You're a freshmen in high school and I'm only in fourth grade so chill" I demanded and he still had a tight grip on me.

I was now getting sick to my stomach thinking about what was going to happen next. I really needed one of my friends to see this happening but they weren't paying attention at all.

"Um let her go" Sterling came to the rescue.

"Why should I" Alex let me go but put me behind him so I couldn't run.

"Dude I know you like her and that's cool but you don't have to hurt her just so I get hurt" Sterling was trying to help but he was only making it worse.

"You took her from me and I don't like that, we were good friends for like two years and then you go and confess your love for her" he was upset and I understood why for the most part.

"Dude I didn't take her from anyone, we aren't dating" I think Alex got relieved because he calmed down and sat down. We talked for a while and he understood how good of friends Sterling and I were. He didn't necessarily like it but he understood that I'm not into dating right now.

**End of pov**

"Babe I want to redecorate" I announced to Jackson as he walked into the bedroom.

"What room" he asked and then shook his head no when I gave him the 'the whole house' look.

"You do know that costs money and which we do not have" he continued eating his noodles.

"We have tons of money, this house and our kids, that all costs money" I begged and then gave up when he kept ignoring me.

"Where are the boys" he followed me downstairs into the kitchen where we found Christian and Cameron making a mess.

"What in the hell are you boys doing in here" Jackson asked picking them both up which left me to clean up the mess.

"We wanted to make cupcakes for you and mommy" Christian pouted and Cameron screamed like his puppy had just got shot in front of him.

"Baby what's wrong" I laughed a little because he screamed out of no where.

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