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I spent the rest of the day with Regan, Cole and Melody. I became good friends with Melody. We walked around the park, went to the mall to get some new outfits for school.

"I like this one" I said to Regan and Melody holding up a blue crop top with an American Eagle logo in the corner. Cole said he had to go do something for a while so he went to a different part of the mall.

"I like that one too but you have so many blue crop tops already" Regan said looking at some other crop tops.

"Oooh what about this one" Melody said holding up a black romper with white poka dots all over. "I know you already have a lot of clothes with poka dots but this is so cute" Melody said

"It is really cute I think I'll get it" I said taking it from her and putting it in the cart.

After about 20 more minutes of shopping, Cole came back with a smoothie. I had picked out a grey hoodie, a red crop top, green crop top, a tight black dress with silver sparkles around the waist line, a pair of white converse shoes (I know what you're thinking, stupid right?), a pair of red and white Jordans, a strapless purple dress that was short but not that short.

We got to the cash register and I paid for all my items and got an extra bottle of Girlfriend perform by Justin Bieber since I was running out. My total was $103.98, luckily my mom had given me her credit card in case we went out shopping. I had a total of 3 bags.

Regan had paid for her things with a total of $83.00. She got the same black dress with silver sparkles around the waist line, a black crop top that had white lettering that said "Best" and another black crop top that said "Friends", she also got another dress that was longer but had floral print on it. I'm guessing she got the matching crop top shirts for her and I but I didn't even know.

Melody just got a short, strapless silver dress with ruffles at the bottom. It was cute and she only spent $58 on it but she also got 2 bottles of perfume. They smelled strong, something my mom would never let me wear. Melody was 2 years younger than me.15. I wasn't sure why she was allowed to wear this.

After we left the store we all went back to my house. I texted my mom asking if Melody and Cole could come over. My mom wasn't sure at first because she's never met them but she said yes. I didn't have to ask about Regan, she was always allowed over.

As I was putting my clothes away, Melody got a text saying her friend was having a party. It was only 2 o'clock and the party was in an hour so we decided to go. I was only going to stay for maybe an hour or so anyways, we had school tomorrow.

*Jackson's pov*

My friends from school invited me to this girl's party. I didn't know the girl at all but I thought it would be fun to get out and you know live life.


We got to the party about 45 minutes after it started. I was wearing the tight black dress with silver sparkles that I had bought earlier, Regan didn't want to wear the same thing so she was wearing a pink dress about knee length with a black belt around the waist, and Melody was wearing a strapless black and white tribal print dress that was really short. She kind of looked like a slut. Cole was wearing a red and grey buttoned up shirt with black skinny jeans.

I'm not going to lie, he looked pretty damn hot.

As soon as we arrived to the party all I could smell as the alcohol and smoke. There were people smoking in the living room and people drinking any kind of liquor they could get their hands on in the kitchen. As I walked passed all the drunken teens in the living room, I made my way to the kitchen where about 5-7 people were playing beer pong.

Regan was the fun best friend but she knew how to stay out of trouble. I pretty much would do something if she told me it was alright because I didn't want to be lame but I also didn't want to end up in jail like my dad did when he was younger.

"3,2,1" I said as Regan and I took a shot. The taste was horrible and it stung my throat. "It's your first time drinking isn't it" Cole asked laughing at my terrible reaction to the liquid.

"Yeah... it is" I said biting my lip. God he looked so attraction right now and he wasn't even trying. "Wanna try green apple next" he asked pouring himself another drink.

"No not at all" I said looking into his beautiful green eyes.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't be in a room with him without throwing up. I needed to know more about him. I couldn't ask him straight up. I needed a different approach. I walked upstairs to the bathroom. This was the only place I could go without there being people making out or having sex. I hated parties but they were fun hanging out with your friends, getting wasted and forgetting the world. Even though I wasn't so sure about the "getting wasted part".

I was freshening up my makeup when someone came into the bathroom. "hey look asshole I'm in here" I said looking over to realize it was Cole. "oh hey Cole im sorry" I said continuing to put the mascara on. "It's all good" he laughed.

"How you doing" he asked fixing his hair.

"besides the smoke in my face, drunk underage drinkers walking around near me, I'm fine, just fucking fine." I said rolling my eyes at him. "Maybe this will make it better" he said leaning in to kiss me. As I leaned in to kiss him I was expecting sparks to go off everywhere. There was none.

I was completely disappointed. I really liked him but as I realized from kissing him, I knew nothing absolutely nothing about this boy. I just liked him for his looks. "Did you like it" he said biting his lip. "Yeah" I whispered. I mean it wasn't a complete lie. I liked the feeling of his lips being on mine, just no spark was there.

"I've been wanting to do that since I saw you biting your lip downstairs" he said walking towards me. He walked around me shut the door and stood in front of it with his arms crossed.

"Um what are you doing" I asked back away from him. "You didn't think I was going to kiss you and not get more from it?" he asked walking slowly towards me again.

"Look I don't want to do this I'm...I'm a virgin" I said completely lying. I wasn't a virgin, well by choice. I was raped by my ex in middle school. The only people that knew were my family, Regan and Jackson. I was little and didn't know what to do but as I grew up I realized he sexually abused me. It was too late to tell so I just left it alone.

"When I'm done with you, you won't be" he said as he grabbed me by the arms and threw me onto the bathroom floor. He started to kiss me roughly, then it went to giving me a hicky, leading to pulling my dress up. This was it he was going to rape me.

I decided hey I have nothing better to do with my life so why don't I update. Then I decided I was going to be a little mean and leave you with a cliff hanger :) no actually it's almost 4:30 am where I am so I'm tired and just decided to end the chapter there. I'll update either tomorrow or Monday.

My Best-friends twin brotherWhere stories live. Discover now