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I woke up to the sounds of screaming teens. I had no clue where I was all I remember was heading up to the bathroom then I blacked out. Oh my God it was all a dream. Cole never tried to rape me.

"Hey girl in the black dress, mind moving trying to play a game here" said some guy throwing darts to a board over the couch I was laying on. I don't even remember getting back down stairs let alone on a couch.

I was trying to find my phone to see what time it was but all I could find was tiny red cups that were once filled with alcohol.  This house had all the furniture perfectly placed when I first showed up, a while later it was destroyed. I can't imagine what this girl's parents are going to say when they come home to this.

"Savannah over here" Regan calls out from the back patio. "What happened" I asked looking around the backyard looking at the mess.

"Since this was your first time drinking, you blacked out on the way upstairs, Cole found you when you were gone for about 20 minutes and he got me and we helped you to the nearest couch that no one was making out or having sex on" she replied.

"Oh how nice" I said rolling my eyes at her. "So where's Cole at?" I asked sitting down on one of the chairs that were open. "Um here's your phone, look through the gallery then ask where he is" she said handing me my phone.

Well at least I know my phone was safe and with Regan rather than with these losers. I started to unlock my phone then I looked for the gallery icon.

"Regan, where is he" I asked angrily. "Are you sure Sav" she asked taking a drink of what was probably soda because she doesn't drink a lot. "Yes" I replied.

"He's upstairs in the bedroom to the right of the stairs" she said walking into the house with me pointing in the direction to go.

I jogged up the stairs thinking about what to say to him. I couldn't really focus on anything at the moment though. I had a raging headache and my phone was on 12%. I followed Regan's directions and headed towards the room on the right. Here it goes. I took a deep breath and walked through the 2 big doors.


"What are you talking about" he asked confused. Next thing I know I see a girl topless come out from the bathroom connected to this bedroom. "Am I interrupting something" this girl asked covering herself up since I was there.

"I'm talking about the fact that there's pictures of you kissing another bitch on my phone and some chick just fucking walked out without a shirt on and you're in someone else's bed with no pants on. That's what the fuck I'm talking about." I said completely ignoring what the girl had just asked.

I walked out of the room satisfied now that I got all my anger out. To think I really liked that asshole. I walked around the house till I saw Melody and Regan hanging out talking to some guy with his back turned.

"Hey guys I think I'm good now" I said walking up to them. "Oh look who it is" Jackson said turning around to face me. What the hell is he doing here? I wonder if Regan and Melody have told him about what happened with Cole yet.

"Oh hey Jackson" I said taking a drink from the cup Regan was holding. "What are you doing here" I asked confused. "Well the girl throwing the party is my friend' he said in a questioned form.


*The next day at school*

"Does Jackson know" was the first thing I said to Regan as I walked up to her. "Yes" he replied without looking at me. "How much of it" I asked again. "All of it" she replied still not looking at me.

Jackson knew everything. EVERYTHING. I felt bad that I've barley talked to him since he told me he liked me. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't want things to be awkward and weird.

I walked over to his locker and thought about what he said about liking me.

"Jackson" I whispered.

"What do you want Savannah? Oh let me guess to tell me about how you and Cole are going to go out on your first dat. Or wait how you guys had your first kiss?" he said slamming his locker door shut.

"Look Jackson I just want to say sorry" I said playing with my fingers. "Save it Savannah" he said walking to his period class that luckily we had together.

I honestly feel terrible about what I did to him. He's still dating Taylor so I didn't really do anything that bad. I know I hurt him but he's hurt me for so many years with the whole Taylor situation.

*Jackson's pov*

I broke up with Taylor the night at the party. I brought her with me because she was complaining that she hasn't seen me in a while. I didn't want to take her because she would just get drunk, fool around with other guys and I'd get mad.

Surprisingly last night she didn't. She was completely sober the whole time. I had to bring her home about an hour into the party though. She wouldn't tell me why she just insisted.

I didn't want to talk to Savannah yet. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt when she didn't talk to me on purpose. Whether I was or wasn't dating Taylor at the time we were still friends.

I walked into Music class and looked for where Jackson was so I could be his partner for today. I looked all around the room until I spotted him sitting next to some freshmen.

"Um hey can I sit here for today" I asked the freshmen nicely hoping she would let me sit there.

"No but you can go sit over there next to Kenneth" Jackson said for her. I saw the hurt in his eyes. I felt like shit, how could I of put such a good guy in this position.

I know this is a shorter chapter but I have a few more I've already written that I'll put up either tomorrow or Thursday.

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