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*3 Months Later*

Jackson and I moved out of my mom's house a few months ago but we're still settling in our new house. We bought this gigantic, beautiful house, that's big enough for our family, maybe two new additions, and for when we throw parties and family get togethers.

Brookylnn had her birthday about a week before we moved into the new house and she's finally 5 years old. Thanksgiving is tomorrow so today Jackson and I went out to get the grocery's for cooking.

Thanksgiving was being held at our house this year because we wanted everyone to come and check it out. We were also going to be telling our family and friends about my pregnancy. That's right I'm pregnant again, this time is was planned. We had already started saving money up and each time Jackson says a bad word it goes into the swear jar, the same goes for me. Brooklynn doesn't have to do it yet because she's too little for an allowance.

"Babe write a list of items we need for the dinner" Jackson said as he was putting Brooklynn's clothes on.

I was thinking of what we would need for the dinner when I heard a bang outside of the house.

"BABE DID YOU HEAR THAT" I shouted from the living room so Jackson could hear me from inside of Brooklynn's room down the hall.

"IT'S JUST A MOVING TRUCK BABY" Jackson shouted back at me. I looked out the living room window to see a large moving truck. Who was going to be our new neighbors? I thought to myself. I watched the family unload the truck for a few more minutes and noticed that they had a son about Brooklynn's age and a daughter who looked about 13ish.

"Hey Jay, the new neighbors look nice, why don't we go introduce ourselves" I said as I saw him walk down the spiral steps with Brooklynn walking next to him.

"You can go but I think I'll stay here" Jackson said putting a light jacket onto Brooklynn.

"Why won't you go" I asked noticing that was a dumb question as soon as he started to chuckle.

"Babe do you even know me. I don't like meeting new people." He said as he went to grab his car keys.

"We're going to meet them right now. I don't care if you make them your new bff but you're coming with me" I grabbed Brooklynn's hand and walked out of the front door seeing Jackson follow closely behind. He was his own person but he listened to me on certain subjects because he didn't want to make me mad.

"Hello this is Jackson and Brooklynn, I'm Savannah" I said as we walked over to where they were standing.

"Well hello, this is my husband Robert, this is Chasity my oldest, she's 13 and this is my youngest Sterling. He's 7. We're the Motely's." The lovely woman whose name was Faith said to us.

"This is my boyfriend well fiancé Jackson Johnson, this is Brookylnn Grace Johnson, she's 5 and I'm Savannah Lynn Postier." I said greeting our new neighbors.

"Since Brookylnn and Sterling are around the same age, maybe we should plan a platy date for them" Faith said

"Yeah definitely" I said as we exchanged our numbers and Jackson and I left to the store.

"Okay babe what's on the list to get" Jackson asked as he put Brooklynn into the seat that was attached to the cart.

"Umm, Bread, eggs, milk, sugar, chips, fudge, noodles, turkey, mash potatoes, salt, pepper, green beans, salad, punch, apple pie" I said noticing that Jackson was giving me a weird look. "My mom is getting the rest and bringing it over early in the morning" I said again.

"Mommy can I have a bouncy ball" Brooklynn asked trying to climb into the miniature ball pit the store had placed in the middle of the isle.

"If daddy says yes" I said because I didn't have time to argue with her.

"Yeah I don't care princess" Jackson said placing the ball inside of the cart.

"Okay Brooklynn can you be good for me while we're shopping" I asked her in the sweetest way possible so she wouldn't scream.

"Yeah mommy" she said back and started to play on Jackson's phone that he had left inside of the cart.

iMessage from Faith:

hey could Brooklynn come over later and play with Sterlinging

iMessage to Faith:

Of course, I'll send her over when we get back home.

"Jackson, Brooklynn is going to Sterling's house when we get home. Could you take her over?" I asked Jackson as we arrived up at the cash register.

"Yeah and then we have time to think about baby names" He replied back while putting the items up to get scanned.

*Jackson's pov*

We just got home and I was getting ready to take Brooklynn next door. As we walked across the lawn I saw Sterling looking into his window waiting on us to arrive.

"What's up buddy" I said to Sterling as we walked into the house.

"I want to marry your daughter" Sterling said and grabbed Brooklynn's hand.

"Sterling don't grab people's hands that you just met" Faith had said.

"It's okay, it's really cute that he likes her that much" I said to Faith.

"Robert and I are leaving to go pick up a new bed for Sterling but Chasity is here and is going to watch them until we get back. If you have any concerns feel free to come over and check up" She said as her and Robert said their goodbye's to the kids.

*15 minutes later*

"So what school are you going to be going too" I asked Chasity since I decided to stay and watch Brooklynn interact with kids her age.

"Riverside High School I believe" She said looking down at her hands.

"What's wrong" I asked her

"I used to get bullied at my old school and I didn't have much friends so I'm hoping this is a new start" she said starting to open up to me.

"Look I know I'm 21 and you're only 13 but if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here for you and I'm sure Savannah would love to talk to you too." I said knowing that she was feeling upset.

"Thanks Jackson, could you do me a favor and give me a ride to school when it starts up again" Chasity asked.

"Yeah of course but why not your own parents" I asked

"They would embarrass me but you're a younger and cooler father" she said which made me feel kind of good knowing that I was a cool parent.

"What do you mean cool parent" I asked

"You wear skinny jeans, snapbacks, Jordans, your girlfriend is the type of girl that high school boys would still fall for" she said and stopped talking.

"Chasity I appreciate that and all but try to give your parents a chance and if you still want a ride text me the night before school starts" I said giving her my number in relief that I just helped a young girl out with one of her problems.

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