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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping in my window and rolled over to see Jackson was still there. I kissed him gently on his cheek so I wouldn't wake him up. I laid there on my phone scrolling through Instagram. I was getting jealous because all my friends were posting beach pictures and I couldn't do any of that because I was stuck being pregnant.

"How long have you been up" Jackson said rolling over and cuddling with me.

"Only like 20 minutes" I said putting my phone away

"Were you texting Kevin" he asked with his eyes still closed.

"Instagram" I said sighing because he clearly is being childish about this.

"Is that his nickname" he said completely serious

"Babe stop" I replied

"No you said you weren't friends with him" he said

"And you kissed the one girl I hate in the world" I replied back because he was pissing me off.

He didn't say anything back, he just got up walked out of the room. I'm guessing he was going to shower because he took a towel. I know I probably pissed him off even more than he already was but he won't let this go. Honestly I don't even talk to Kevin, he's just a buddy that moved away.

"Jackson are you done" I asked shouting into the hall bathroom. I don't know why he didn't just use mine.

"Go use Kevin's bathroom. Oh wait you probably did already I you catch my drift" he said while showering. He was inferring that I slept with Kevin but clearly if I was a virgin I did not.

I was now mad as ever so I guess we were both mad. This wasn't going to end well but I didn't even care anymore. I was sick of him acting this way towards guys it's not like I'm going to cheat on him.

"I'm done" he said walking out with a towel around his waist. He looked pretty hot with wet hair but I didn't care. I was more than furious.

"Thanks" I said as I walked into the bathroom.

I took a pretty long shower just because it was hard to bend over and reach for the bottles of shampoo and body wash that had fallen over. It was hard to wash parts of my body, not that I was getting too big but the pain in my stomach got worse.

"Jackson I need a towel" I shouted with the door opened a tad bit.

"Call and ask Kevin for one" he responded. Wow that was a major bitch move. I decided to just get out and air dry. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked before.

"Damn you look fine" he said as I walked in without any towel or clothes.

"I bet Katie does too" I replied smirking.

For the rest of the day we kept arguing about stupid shit. Everything we would say would turn into an argument. My mom and I went out for a walk so I could talk to her about everything.

"It's a fight about everything. He doesn't like Kevin and I understand but I can have friends" I said to my mom.

"Don't you still talk to that nice boy Mason?" she asked. Mason Carter, the boy who irriated my soul and I had to do a project with.

"Yeah Jackson doesn't like him either" I sighed

"Why not" she chuckled

"He used to call me pretty face all the time" I said

"He get jealous very easily" my mom replied

"He has every girl friend he has had even if I hate them so I don't see the problem" I said getting upset.

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