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The picture above is Brooklynn is her flower girl dress for the wedding. Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was really busy but big surprises are coming :)

Today was the day. It was the big wedding and everyone especially Jackson and I were nervous. We have committed to so much together already just not marriage. I was so nervous and pacing around the guest room at Lucas's house for a while until my mom came in and calmed me down.

"Baby it's okay, it's not like you haven't seen all these people before" she said rubbing my shoulders.

"But we have to say our vowels and I might forget mine and" she cut me off with saying "Savannah, no matter what happens Jackson will still love you. I can tell by the way he looks at you when you aren't even paying attention he loves you. He changed for you he wanted to change for you. He cares for you so much and when you do the dorkiest things he chuckles and smiles because he knows that you are his forever" she concluded making me smile ear to ear.

"So go out there and stunt like you've never stunted before" she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Mom I love you" I hugged her. "I love you too baby. Now get ready only five more minutes" she said. I wasn't as nervous anymore but I still was because so many people that I loved and cared about were going to be watching me walk down a long isle.

"Savannah two minutes" my mom called out from outside the hall way.

Okay Savannah you got this. Remember he loves you, you love him. You have three beautiful children together. I heard the wedding music begin which was my key to start walking. Oh shit it's finally happening. Breathe Savannah breathe.

I saw Brooklynn throwing the flowers down the isle as I waited for my cue to walk next. My dad was walking me not because I wanted him too but because he had asked and I still love my dad no matter if he fucked up his life or not.

As we said our vowels and the "I do's" I saw Jackson blushing and smiling ear to ear. He seemed so happy as he put the wedding ring on my finger and I was just as happy if not happier.

"WAIT STOP THE WEDDING" We all heard someone scream from outside of Lucas's house window.

"Umm what" Regan asked because we couldn't see who it was.

"Jackson you love me not this bitch"....Katie. I should have fucking known it was her bitch ass.

"Why are you here" Jackson asked grabbing my hand.

"I heard you were getting married today and I needed to stop it" she replied.

"And why is that" I asked because clearly we just officially got married.

"Jackson remember these girls" she said and next thing you know there's like 4 more girls showing up at the door.

"Umm yeah" he sighed.

"Who are they Jay" I asked

"The girls I played before we got together" he looked at me with sorrow eyes.

"So why did you play us but not her" one of them asked.

"I kind of cheated on her at one point so you know" he said hugging me because I hated when he brought it up.

After arguing with irrelevant bitches for ten minutes we finally made our way to the boat for the party. I took off my dress and put on a more comfortable dress that I had bought in high school that still fit.

"How's my wife doing" Jackson asked as he came over with Brooklynn.

"Pretty good how about my sexy looking husband" I asked putting Brooklynn on my lap.

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