then like 30 seconds later he walks back in because Steve was teasing him about me beating him up. finally Two-Bit shows up with Kathy. he walks in and says that he's leaving. Pony and I got in the trunk of the truck because there was no other seats.


we arrived at school and head into the gym. there was nothing special, punch, soda(the drink), chips, cookies, water and a band. I see Tyrone and the other guys, Mark, Peter, Sam, Will and Andy. so I go walk over and hang out with them for a bit. none of ponyboy's friends showed up so he hung out with us. so we're all hanging out and blah blah blah, then the awkward part, slow dance. no one knows that pony asked me to go with him. I did that whole getting a drink trick and pony and I danced then. it was even more awkward because I had no clue what to do. I just copied everyone else and was hoping I was doing this right. it was just great until Peter pointed us out. Tyrone went off and I kinda felt guilty. he doesn't know pony asked me before I'd ever met him. I guess I'll have to explain to him whenever he wants to talk. I was trying to act like nothing was going on but of course I get pulled over by them so I have to talk to him. so the song was over and I went outside to go talk to him.

"what was that" Tyrone asks
"Pony asked me to go tot he dance with him before we met"
"I asked Cynthia before we met, I just never gotten the chance to tell you with guys around like 24/7"
"so we cool" I asked

he grabs my and we danced outside together. I still try to act like nothing was happening when everything was. I was thinking about my parents and my brother s again. I stared up at the stars and tried not to let a tear fall. it was cold outside. still thinking about my parents.

"what's wrong" he asks
"I don't know, just stuff you wouldn't understand I guess" I said while starring at my feet.
"how do know I wouldn't understand"
"I just know"
"do you want to talk about"
"a little I guess"
"ok then, go on"
"It's just," a tear falls from my face " I wish my parents were still around and I didn't have to move from New York to because of the government. the government made me move away from my brothers and I wish they didn't"
"sorry I asked then, didn't know"
"It's alright I guess. I miss them, a lot"

he brings me into a hug, but more comforting than any other hug. I let another tear or two fall from my face and roll down my cheeks. I couldn't believe I told him that. I can tell he felt bad, but I think he doesn't know that my parents are dead, like he might still be thinking what that means. I stop after a minute or two and ready to go back in. he holds my hand, but he won't let go because he finally understands it.

we walk in but I'm trying not to show my face. I guess that didn't work because I was talking to so many people at once. I bit my lip trying to hold back tears and signs of sadness. Tyrone lets go of my hand and I move closer to Ponyboy.

"so you talked to him" he asked
"what, uh yeah. he asked Cynthia before" I responded

he puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean my head on his shoulder, while Tyrone is talking to Cynthia. I take a glance over at Two-Bit and he's making out with Kathy in the corner. it was awkward thinking that's your only cousin, but yet I wouldn't want him to change. I'm not sure why, maybe because he's like a brother and I'm the little sister he's always watching out for.

I went to go get some soda for the 20th time it feels like. so I'm walking and I accidentally trip one of the Socs. she falls and makes the punch bowl spill on her. that's when everything stops.

"oh my god , I'm so sorry" I said trying not to laugh. it still kinda comes out.
"you should be" says the Socs

I tried to help her up but she just insults me.
"I tripped because of all of this grease, greaser" Socs says

she walks out and drives off with her friends. I grab my soda. I swear I think I got a little drunk from it. I'm walking back to the group and just about all the greasers are telling me I did a good job or high 5s. I walk back and just about everyone is laughing.

"was that on purpose" asked Andy
"no" I said

I was starting to get even more drunk so decided to lean on the wall because I like couldn't stand. just about everyone was hanging out with was a little drunk. but in was the most. then the weirdest dare happened. I was dared to lap dance on Mark. I did it because I as drunk. so that when on for like 3 minutes and it was nasty stuff. so it was time to leave and everything. I met Two-Bit at the truck and climbed in the back with ponyboy.

"Hey Kate, what the hell were you doing to that kid" Two-Bit asks me
"um...I was dared to do something, what the hell were you doing with Kathy in the corner"
"stuff you'll get later, now come on we've gotta get going."

I got into he back of the truck with Ponyboy.


we reach the Curtis house. Two drops off me and Pony and takes Kathy home. soda asks us how it was and we told him that I tripped a Socs and punch went all over her. Darry flipped when I said that. so I explained the whole thing in detail and still didn't believe me. I went to the couch and sat next to soda. he put his arm around me and I almost fell asleep. Two-Bit walked through the door and asked if we could crash here. Darry said yes so we went home and grabbed some stuff and came back.

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