“Oh, yeah. I forgot.”

“Hey! We’re about to start! In positions, now!” Super Junior M’s manager called to them.

The members immediately went to the stage entrance, but then Donghae came back halfway.

“Did you forget anything?” Reika asked him.

“Where’s my good luck kiss?” Donghae asked eagerly.

“What are you talking – “She was surprised when he suddenly kissed her on the cheek.

“You’re too slow, Reika-chan! Watch me, okay?” He said as he ran back to the stage.

“That guy, really…”

The show started with their live performance of ‘Break Down’. As usual, the members’ moves were flawless. You won’t be able to notice that they almost haven’t sleep yet and traveled back and forth from one country to another. Reika wondered if she had that kind of stamina. During the introductions, she found their Chinese ridiculously funny. Only Zhoumi and Henry had the hang of it (Well, obviously because they’re Chinese). Sungmin admitted that he doesn’t know anything at all, which made the audience laugh. But she knew they all tried hard to learn Chinese for the fans.

Kyuhyun was the one who impressed her the most. Though he would pause at times, you could say that he can speak well as a beginner. Really, this guy continues to amuse her. She knew Donghae memorized things from his cheat sheet and he said mostly cheesy stuff. No wonder most of their fans go crazy about him.

They also performed ballads and other songs from the album. They also prepared special stages for the fans. Kyuhyun performed a Chinese ballad “Those Years”, with Henry playing the piano. He really sang Chinese songs well.

“You know, this is the highlight of the show.” Eunhyuk said beside her.

“Really?” Reika asked.

“Yeah, ‘coz this is the chance for the fans to go to the restrooms.” Eunhyuk was joking again.

She tried to hide a smile. These guys are really fond of talking behind each other’s backs.

“You’re mean, Hyukjae-a. I’m going to tell that to Kyuhyun-a.” Sungmin warned him.

“I was just kidding.” Eunhyuk snickered.

“How about you guys? What’s your special stage?” She asked them.

“You’ll see, Reika-chan. Hyukkie and I are next.” Donghae was suddenly in front of her.

“Minnie-a, Siwon-a, Hyukjae-a, manager’s calling us.” Ryeowook called them.

“How about me?” – Donghae

“It’s for our special stage. Just get ready there; we’re going in two minutes. I’ll be back.” Eunhyuk said and left with the others.

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