While I set my bags down and began to unpack, I was listening to Megan go on about how back in the day all the girls and all the guys were piled into only a couple different rooms and now everyone had to share with one other person and that was it. She explained things from what rooms were on each floor and what some of the maids and cooks and other contestants I hadn't met were like. Megan had already been here for two days. 

"Want me to show you around and introduce you to some of the contestants?" She asked me the second we dropped all of my shoes, the last thing to unpack, on the floor of our shared closet. 

"Sure." I answered. Apparently that wasn't a satisfying answer for Megan though because she crinkled up her eyebrows and eyed me. "What?"

"What's wrong?" She sat down on the edge of the bed, ready to hear me spill, even though my lips would keep shut.


"Are you fighting with Roman?" She asked, now looking almost sad, trying to be sympathetic I guessed.

"No, we're fine. I'm just a little jet lagged." I lied. Surprisingly, I wasn't tired one bit from the flight but I wasn't going to explain everything about my mom to Megan. She still didn't know about us.

"Well then, do you want to go to sleep and I'll just show you around tomorrow?" I pretended to look at the digital clock next to the bed, even though I already knew it was 5 o'clock.

"No, I don't want to mess up my sleeping schedule, plus I'm actually pretty hungry." At this she lit up.

"Yay! I'll show you around and then dinner will probably be done by then!' I couldn't help but laugh at how excited she was. Megan sprinted out of the room like a little kid with me walking out behind her. 

"So all of the rooms are on this floor and then everything else is downstairs. Those are the guys and girls bathrooms," She pointed towards the clearly marked doors and headed in that direction. The hallway wasn't really too fancy. It was just beige carpeted with a red print on the walls and a few plants and intercom thingys hanging on the walls. Our door was right across from the stairs leading to the downstairs.

"I'll introduce you to everyone at dinner, but this is Aaron and Declan's room. They're part of a boy band called 'Your Prince'." I stopped and looked at her. Then we both started laughing hysterically.

"That's the cheesiest name I've ever heard!" I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach and for the third time that day, tears came streaming down my face because I was laughing so damn hard. Who names a boy band Your Prince? How cheesy. After a few moments, I stopped hearing Megans laugh and tried to stand up and stop laughing so hard. However that was almost impossible, until I notied we weren't alone in the hallway anymore.

"Oh, it's cheesy? This is coming from the girl whose name is Delilah." Megan was biting her bottom lip right next to the two boys who I was assuming had come out of the room next door. One of the guys had sleek black hair that fell in front of his face a little. He was maybe 16 and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and tilted his head back when I looked at him. My first thought: cocky. But so is Roman, I have nothing against cocky. I looked to his right at the other boy.

The second boy... He took my breath away.

I literally got light headed looking at him. Perfect isn't a kind enough word to describe him.

This guy belonged on tumblr, it was like he was pulled out of a movie or a book, I wouldn't be surprised if he was an Abercrombie model. Everything about him was unrealistic. I had to force myself to look away so I focused my attention on the black-haired boy.

Hey There Delilah (Sequel to Not The Same)Where stories live. Discover now