Chapter 20

188 11 4

Will's POV

"No chance and no way!" Gabe says when Cole tells him the plan before school.

"I won't say it no, no." I sing under my breath, Gabe glared at me

"PLLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEE!" Cole got on his knees and folded his hands together. Dalton pulled him back up before people started to stare.

"Fine, I'll do it." He says, there's a catch. There has to be a catch. "On one condition."

There it is. Classic Gabe and his conditions. Ha!

"Dana and Angela both come." He says.

Let's see. Angela is stubborn as heck and Dana is the type of guy who won't want to apologize first. Yeah, Gabe's not gonna be there tonight. Then the bell rings.

"DALTON!" I yell grabbing his arm and hauling him to class. "CLASS NOW!"

"I think I liked you better when you were quiet." I heard him mumble, I'll ignore that comment.


Cole and I had free period. Yay! We were walking the halls talking about how we were gonna get Dana and Angela to stop being pissed at each other when we heard someone yelling. Cole was about to run towards the noise but I grabbed him.

We crept down the hallway and he turned the corner but I saw what was there. I grabbed him and pulled him back.

Jason's buddies were around the corner and backing Dana into the wall. We would definitely be outnumbered so I didn't want to risk it.

"Hey, word around the block is that your pathetic little friends expelled my main man." I think the second-in-command bully said that, Tommy.

"What are we gonna do? They're gonna kill him!" Cole yell-whispered.

My eyes landed on the fire extinguisher behind him. Yay! Plan!

"I have an idea. Slash the security camera wires out." I whisper back. The wires wouldn't be hard to reach and there were very few cameras around this area. He nodded and ran to do what I said.

He came back a couple moments later and his weird metal claws sank back into the places between his muscles. Which still disgusted me a lot.

"Ok, good." I say before setting myself on fire and flying upwards. Just like I had planned, the fire alarm went off automatically and I had only a couple seconds to get back to the ground before the sprinkler system started up. As soon as my feet touched the ground, the water started soaking both of our clothes.

"You got lucky Vaughns!" I heard Tommy yell before he yelled again, back at his crew this time. "C'mon, don't wanna be burned to a crisp today."

Then a hoard of running footsteps was heard. Cole had opened a locker and shoved me in before getting in as well. He shut it quickly and then through the vent holes I saw the bullies run past. Cole counted to five on his fingers before opening the locker again.

"Guys!? You there!?" Dana yelled before almost running into us. "I knew it had to be you! Let's go, don't want anyone getting suspicious."

We followed Dana outside and went to our homeroom lines to take attendance. I fell in line behind Dalton with a grin on my face. I actually used my power helpfully! And it wasn't even something I did!

"Why are you smiling?" Dalton asked? I didn't want to explain it to him myself but Cole and Dana were in different homeroom lines and couldn't do it for me. "You did it, didn't you? Better have a good reason Behlendorf."

"I'll tell you at lunch." I said. He gave me a weird look but didn't push which I was thankful for.

Then we were told that it was just a false alarm and they herded us back into school.


Gabe was not going to be sitting with us today. Not because he didn't want to be talked into the plan though. It was his grandma's birthday and his family was taking her to lunch today and they would be having a party for her on Saturday. Not-My-Brother-Alex went too, for some reason.

David would be forcing Dana to sit with us today while Cole forced Angela. That gave Dalton and I plenty of time to talk about the incident with Tommy, his gang, Dana, the fire alarm, etc.

"So you basically saved Dana? Like Cole and I did with you and David?" Dalton asked

"Well, no one was really punched but I guess so." I shrugged

"Well people got wet though. Heard Leah and her gang of snobs went home because it ruined their makeup." Dalton snickered.

David and Dana were the first two to arrive. David sat him down and made a face to tell us that he didn't know Angela was sitting with us just yet.

Cole and Angela came two minutes later. Cole was gripping her arms and basically pushing her forward.

"COLE I WILL FUCKING PUNCH YOU! I AM NOT FUCKING SITTING WITH THAT DICKHEAD!" Angela yelled when she saw Dana. Struggling against Cole's hold. Fortunately, thanks to Cole's new power, he had grown a bit of strength too.

"FUCK NO!" Dana yelled when she noticed Angela but David held him down.

I saw David's hand go under the table and heard him start spraying his webs. He was sticking Dana to the floor!

David moved seats and Cole forced Angela into the seat beside Dana. David's hand shot under the table again.

"THIS IS ABUSE! ABUSE I SAY!" Angela yelled

"Talk it out. We're gonna sit here until you do. We cleared all our classes after in the office." Cole said, taking out a bag of popcorn and holding it beside him and Dalton.

I ate my lunch but didn't take my eyes off the two. They were just sitting there with their arms crossed. This was not going to help at this rate.

Wait, Connie has a day off school today. And she's persuasive!

I reach for my phone and start facetiming my old friend. The cafeteria wasn't too loud so we'll be able to hear her and her us. I'm surprised there was no attention on us though, from others in the cafeteria.

It started connecting and Connie's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey mate! Aren't you supposed to be in school?" She asked raising one of her eyebrows.

"It's lunch. Can you make Dangela make up? They're fighting." I say.

"DANGELA IS FIGHTING!? Lemme see their faces. I need to have a stern talking with them." She said, leaning her phone against something and leaning back herself.

I placed my phone against the salt, facing them. They were both in shot so she started to talk.

"Dana Garrett Vaughns and Angela Elizabeth Preston. The fuck y'all thinking huh? What's this about!?" I hear her say.

Finally I hear Angela sigh and she starts talking.



Double update 'cause I didn't yesterday!

I'm not gonna be totally important to this story but the boys aren't persuasive at all and I heard that I was so, there ya go.

Btw, that scene at the beginning where Cole and Will had a free period was planned since I started this story.

Dangela fight information coming up!

Wait, I can get my revenge now!


I'm content now.

Ok, 'Till Next Time -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now