Chapter 48

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Dalton's POV

"Dalton? Dalton! Wake up! Come on just wake up!" Somebody said while shaking me awake. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a panicked Will.

"You ok dude? You don't look too hot?" I said

"Hunter came in, said that the others sent Cody a message. They're coming Dal! They're coming!" Will said happily

"You're serious?" I asked, when he nodded I hopped out of the bed. "Let's do this thing."

"Wait, wait. How are we sure this is going to work? We're kind of taking a risk here. I mean, Luke hasn't contacted me in a while now and that means I can't tell him to tell Cole. They don't know the plan." He said

"Yeah, but we know them. Sure, Cody knows tactics and tricks but we know them personally. If this is going to work, then this is going to work." I smiled at Will, which seemed to calm him down, then my stomach grumbled.

"Hunter brought food, it's over there, by the mirror." Will pointed to a spot beside the mirror that had obtained the plate of food.

I headed to the corner and ate, Will watched. When I asked him he said he had eaten before I had woken up. He then added that he had also taken some of the stuff on my plate, which I laughed at. I finished my breakfast and engaged in a conversation with Will.

"So, we're going to do this today." I said

"Yeah." Will nodded

"Well, we have a siren on our side. That helps." I shrugged then Will seemed to remember something.

"Oh, that's right, Hunter also said that Cody is, immune to most of our powers. Plus he also suggested that Angela didn't come with them but I'm pretty sure the guys are definitely going to still be bringing her." Will pouted while saying this so I patted his back a couple of times

"Well then, what do you mean by most of our powers?" I asked the Asian

"He can't be burnt by my fire, he can't be controlled by Angela, Hunter can't control him either. That would've made life easier if he could though. And when you go into fast mode he's basically seeing you in slow-motion. Fortunately, he's not indestructible so he can be stabbed by Cole's claws, he can be harmed by Gabe's tools and Dana can bite him to give him rabies or something." Will explained

That makes sense, I guess. Well except the rabies part but whatever. I don't really want to become a murderer though so I don't think that's gonna happen in a long time.

Suddenly Will stumbled backwards.

"Whoa, bro, you okay?" I asked, going up to him.

"Yeah, just a little shocked. Luke, he just said they were here. Apparently Cole told him." Will shook his head and shut his eyes tight. "Have a headache though."

"Okay, if they are here then Hunter should open the doors soon." I nodded and we both walked up to the door.

It opened as if automatic and we ran out, Hunter following us.

"I can't stay and fight with you guys, I wish I could but I have to take away memories and put some into your siblings, don't want them remembering all this." Hunter yelled while we ran down the corridor. "They are just down here, Cody is there, but I have to warn you, those other guys on the list are too. Plus some he just recruited that you probably don't know. Everly, Grayson, Kim, Demean and Lowry. I have to go now!"

Hunter ran off in the other direction and we kept going. We finally reached the place where are friends were positioned in a line in front of Cody, Leah, Jason and a bunch of other kids our age.

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now