Chapter 7

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David's POV

I had been dragged out to the room to experience Gabe's torture for some reason. Why is this even happening to us? I'm pushed into a room to see Gabe hooked up to a bunch of tubes. No Will, where's Will? I hope he's ok.

Who am I kidding? He's not ok, none of us are ok!

Gabe's screaming. I look away from him I don't want to see that. I don't want to see my friend suffering while I can't do anything about it. Soon he starts saying actual words.

"No! David!" He yells, what?

"What are you doing to him?" I ask furiously.

"Don't worry Mr. Scarzone. He'll be fine, he has the best of it honestly. He just has to watch all of you die in a simulator and then we add acrobat style techniques and more muscle." A man in a lab coat says. "A real-life Batman will be great, won't it?"

What the heck is wrong with this guy? He's crazy! He can't do this to real people with lives! He needs consent! Actually, screw consent, he shouldn't do it anyways!

"You're a freaking monster!" I yell.

He's about to say something back when Gabe pulls out of his restraints. He starts punching everything. He's sleep punching!

I move out of the way right before he punches a hole in the wall right where I was before. Then he collapses to the ground. The operating table and some of the walls are demolished.

"Great, now I have to redo this. At least I finished two of them. We'll finish this tomorrow Mr. Scarzone." The man mumbles. "Cody, bring these two into the same room as Mr. Behlendorf, keep the other three in the same room. Then you can meet me and your sister out back. We need to discuss a few things regarding some of them. Rebecca, sweetie! Go out back hon!"

With that the lab coat guy leaves. Cody grabs me and throws me over his shoulder, then he grabs Gabe and does the same. I don't bother fighting it, this dude is stronger than me anyways, I'm not gonna stand a chance.

He throws us into a jail-like room. Will is there, thank goodness he's ok. He's huddled up in a ball with his knees tucked into his chest. He's hugging his legs tightly.

"Dad! Subject 5 is awake!" Cody yells before slamming the door and I hear a lock.

"D-David?" Will whimpers, he tenses up.

"Yeah Will, it's me." I go up to him and touch his shoulder. "Ow!"

I pull my hand away and start blowing on it. He's so hot! Yeah, both ways, but I'm referring to the temperature kind this time.

"You're burning up Will." I say.

"I kn-know, i-it burns David, i-it h-h-h-hurts. Make it- make it s-st-stop David, make it stop." My heart melts.

I want to comfort him by hugging him but I might get a third-degree burn. I can't do anything. I can't do anything and I feel terrible.

"I'm sorry Will, I can't. You're gonna be ok though, ok?" I assure him, although I'm not to sure myself but I don't want to terrify him even more.

"Y-yeah, ok." A sharp sob comes from his chest as he starts to tear up.

"Hey now, you'll be fine, promise." I'm sure his hair won't be as hot as his skin so I comb my fingers through it.

I was very wrong. It burns like hell. I start to blow on my hand once again. I can't imagine the burning pain Will must be feeling. It's a wonder he isn't sunburnt or anything.

"C-can I h-have some clothes please." He whispers. It was then that I noticed he was in his underwear.

"Won't you be too hot Will?" I ask.

"P-please David?" I sigh and take off my shirt.

I hand it to him. Before he takes it, he makes it very obvious that he was checking me out.

"Like what you see William?" I smirk.

He blushes, turning even more red, he's so cute. He grabs my shirt and pulls it over his head.

It's a little tight on him but he doesn't seem to mind. I wish I could pull his head into my lap right about now. Then we could sleep peacefully. Maybe another time then.

"Go to sleep now Will." I say and he nods.

He leans against the wall and his eyes flutter closed. A few moments later soft snores are coming from him.

So sweet and innocent. He didn't deserve this, none of us did. Sure I met these guys less than a week ago but I know they're good people.

Which leads me to want to ask, why us? Of all the people in the world, us?


I awake to the sound of whimpering. I lift my head to see Will huddling next to a wall. Gabe is still in the same spot Cody had thrown him in last night so I don't think he's waken up yet.

I move over to where Will was and this time, instead of touching him, I lean in and whisper in his ear.

"Hey Will, what's the matter?" I ask.

He lifts his head in surprise but he makes eye contact with me and soon lowers his head.

"I'm weak." He says.

"No you're not William, c'mere." I say and pull him into a hug.

He doesn't burn anymore. Maybe it faded off when he went to sleep? Probably.

"Sorry for ruining the moment, actually, no I'm not." A voice says and someone pulls me away from Will. "You're coming with me Scarzone."

I'm really starting to despise this Cody guy. He didn't even pronounce my last name right. Scar-zon-ee, not Scar-zone thank you very much. Although that does sound more cool.

Next thing I know I'm strapped into a different table than the one Gabe was on yesterday. I guess they got a new one then.

Unlike to other two, the weird scientist dude keeps my pants on. I guess he only needs me shirtless? The guy barely acknowledges me and drops something onto me. A spider?

Frick, it's actually a spider. I feel a little sting. Suddenly my muscles become way too sore and my skin starts to feel sticky. Like I had been sweating for a while but I haven't been.

"Great, now the last touch." He says before two tubes are brought down to where my arms were.

Pain shot up my arms and it stung, badly. I scream very loudly and clench my fists. Something is being shot from the tubes, it feels sticky.

"Bring in the Rapattoni kid now." was all I heard before I passed out.



Gosh, Will and David are the cutest. I want it to be real so bad!!!

Cody's a jerk by the way.

I'm not sure what I want to do with him but I'll figure it out, one way or another.

I couldn't sleep by the way, I'm nearly done the next chapter too.

I'll probably double update actually... oops

'Til next time! -CG

The Real Deal (IM5/David Scarzone/Will Jay/Dalton Rapattoni fic)Where stories live. Discover now