Chapter 36

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David's POV

When Gabe and Angela came back our way with Alex I tilted my head towards the door to tell them just to go out now. Cole and I put our trash and trays away before meeting the others outside. I've never skipped school before, hopefully it'll be a short meeting or my mom will definitely kill me.

We piled into Gabe's car, Alex in shotgun, Angela and I in the window seats and Cole in the middle. Angela was directing Gabe through the twisted streets while Cole seemed very focused on something. Alex seemed to be in her own world. I've never been to Angela's before or even this part of town. I stared out at the houses and beautiful trees.

I wanted to ask Cole more about Luke but as far as Alex knew we were just skipping school to meet up with some friends quickly. I didn't want to ruin that. I didn't totally trust the stranger that was supposedly in Cole's head and might be in my boyfr-uh- Will's head too. I mean, it's weird, I've barely gotten used to the powers part.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Angela yelled at Gabe for missing an open parking spot. Oh, guess we got there then. Once the car stopped we all got out with a little difficulty, Cole wanting to get out first and nearly crushing me.

We look around the park when we cross the gates and don't see anyone but a couple children and their parents. Just because Alex didn't know anything, Gabe grabbed her arm and tugged her to the ice cream truck while we looked for the guy we were looking for. It wasn't until Cole pointed to a bench with a person sitting on it that we knew where he was.

We rushed our way across the park to get to the figure. When we got to him his back was facing us so after a while of silent arguing I ended up being pushed forward. I cleared my throat but he didn't seem to hear. I saw a white cord going from his head to the bench. Shoot, he's listening to music. I take a deep breath before reaching out to tap him.

Once I did he turned around so quickly that I was startled for a second. He looked me up and down before shifting his gaze to Cole and Angela, who were behind me. He gave us a small smile before standing up and extending his hand to shake mine. I hesitated for a moment, surprised by his height. He was really tall. If I thought Will was tall before then this dude is a giant.

"Hello, I'm Luke." The dude said

"D-David." I said, mentally cursing at myself for stuttering. "This is Cole and Angela."

I looked back towards my friends and saw that they were nervously waving and smiling. The blond giant laughed. I looked back at him and he was giving me a sympathetic smile.

"They're okay, ok?" Luke says

"How do you know that?" I sigh

"Because I can talk to your boyfriend." He says, smile disappearing

"He's not-" I start to protest

"You like him, he likes you. Deal with it." The blond said before scrunching his face up a bit and biting his lip.

Then Cole yelped from behind me. When I looked back, he was in a defensive pose and three other guys were beside Angela. Angela herself looked like she was holding in a laugh. I studied the other dudes before they started laughing. A raven-haired dude with a blond streak laughed and stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm-" The boy started to say but Cole interrupted

"Calum, that's Michael and that's Ashton." Cole said

"I thought you said he was like Wolverine? Not like you." Michael asked Luke

"He is, he just knows Connie." Luke explained, how'd he know? Oh yeah, never mind. "On that note I only know your's and Will's powers. What are the rest of yours?"

"Our friend who's not here but with his girlfriend somewhere over there, he's basically Batman." Cole said and waved off towards Gabe and Alex's general direction.

"I'm a Siren." Angela shrugged

"I'm Spiderman. The people with Will, Dalton and Dana, they're The Flash and Beast Boy." I said

"Luke, c'mon hurry up." Ashton said, are they rushing? Wait, school, right.

"Ok, ok. Listen you possibly might not hear from us again in a while because we're leaving the state until Cody's defeated. Cody, he knows people, more importantly he knows people that you know. They aren't like us but they'll be useful to have around. Here." Luke handed Cole a piece of folded paper.

Cole unfolded it cautiously and started to read. I saw his eyes darting back and forth across the page, the more he read the wider his eyes got. Then he folded it again and nodded toward us and pointed his chin towards where Gabe and Alex were sitting with ice cream.

I turned around to get one more glimpse of the guys who helped us but they were gone. Weird. Not the weirdest thing that's happened since I moved here though.

Cole walked towards the couple waiting. He seemed tense, like he was scared about what might happen, or maybe like he knows something might happen. Angela and I exchanged a glance before quickening our paces to catch up to Cole.

"Is everything okay Cole?" Angela asked once we caught up, we were both on either side of him.

"Yeah, fine. I'm ok, seriously." Cole mumbled unconvincing.

"Are you actually serious Cole? What's up? I know something is up." I said

"I'm fine, and you should now if I'm hiding my emotions by the way. It's practically second nature to you." Cole scoffed and noticeably started to walk faster.

Wow, that stung a bit. Guess he really doesn't want to talk. Great.

Angela and I made concerned eye contact but continued walking. I shook my head towards Gabe when he looked like he was about to speak. He raised an eyebrow when he saw me but shut his mouth anyways.

The ride back to school was quiet. Cole was sitting in the middle again and he was holding the piece of paper tightly in his hands. I watched him carefully, just not too suspiciously so he wouldn't catch me looking. I wanted to read the note he was given but I didn't wanna piss him off, that'd be bad.

Suddenly my Spidey-senses went off.



I'm not sure if 5sos is going to be in this book later on but when I make the second one they are definitely going to be in that one.

Yeah, sorry for the wait btw. School and stuff. Also I went to a birthday party and I was loved so yay! Uhhhh, I'm going to audition for talent show this year and yeah.

Shout-out to ThatOne5er because she got the choir part! Yeah..............

'Til Next Time! -CG

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